BOOK RELEASE AND SIGNING WITH LANNY KAUFER | Saturday, Feb. 5, 1:30 p.m. FREE, in person outdoor event. Author and Ojai native plant guide Lanny Kaufer will be signing his first book, Medicinal Herbs of California, a field guide presenting the principles of herbal remedies, history and roots in Indigenous cultures along with modern uses, recipes and the current science of natural phytochemicals of over 70 common native medicinal plants, which have been a part of American Indigenous medicines for thousands of years. Kaufer also presents the history of how these approaches were wiped from U.S. pharmacopeia in the last 100 years. The event will begin with an herb walk through the native plant garden at the Ojai Valley Museum, 130 W. Ojai Ave., Ojai Pictured: Lanny Kaufer and his wife Rondia in front of a native Toyon shrub. Photo submitted.
Happenings includes community events, meetings, classes, resources, needs and Arts Listings. To submit an item for inclusion email to:
PUBLIC MEETING ON UNMET TRANSIT NEEDS | 12 – 1 p.m. The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) is seeking public input regarding Unmet Transit Needs in order to improve bus service in Ventura County. Meeting links and written input submittal information is online:
CONTAGION! A POX ON BOTH YOUR HOUSES | 7 – 8:30 p.m. As part of California Lutheran University’s History Lecture Series, Michaela Reaves Ph.D. who specializes in American history with an emphasis on socio-cultural history, will address the history of smallpox. Whether the Bard meant “a plague” or “the pox,” both served as a warning of dire results. Smallpox can be traced through history from the mummy of Ramses V up to 1980, when the disease was considered eradicated. Through 3,000 years of contagion, variolation or vaccine, the disease maintained a death rate of 30% and affected both the “Old” and “New” worlds. A free event sponosored by Thousand Oaks Grant R. Brimhall Library and Ventura County Library with grant funding provided by Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation. Registration required. CLU, Lundring Events Center, 1-67 W. Olsen Road, Thousand Oaks.
TRANSIT EQUITY DAY | All Day Metrolink is offering free rides on all Metrolink trains to everyone in tribute to Rosa Parks for standing up for fair and equitable public transportation. Ms. Parks’ refusal to give up her seat on a public bus set in motion the end of segregation on public transportation and highlighted that all people should have the right to equitable and affordable public transit. Details at:
UNMET TRANSIT NEEDS PUBLIC HEARING | 9 a.m. The Ventura County Transportation Commission will hear directly from the public at this Public Hearing regarding local transportation needs. The hearing will focus on the areas of Camarillo, Fillmore, Moorpark, Santa Paula, Thousand Oaks and adjacent areas of unincorporated Ventura County. To contact VCTC email or 800-438-1112. Zoom link is online. Dial in option via phone: 1-669-900-6833; Webinar I.D.: 812 4569 8806; Passcode: 011448.
UNITED TO END HOMELESSNESS SYMPOSIUM | Friday, Feb. 4, 9 a.m., Virtual event. The United Way of Ventura County is hosting a discussion featuring Jessica Bruder, author of the Pulitzer Prize winning bestseller “Nomadland: Surviving America in the Twenty-First Century,” which was also a feature film. Following Bruder keynote presentation there will be an opportunity for attendees to ask questions followed by a panel discussion with local experts including Mike Powers, CEO of Ventura County, Rep. Julia Brownley (D-Westlake Village), Amy Duganne, director of homelessness initiatives with United Way of Ventura County, Murtaza Sanwari, senior vice president and area manager with Kaiser Permanente and Matt Capritto, realtor and “housing champion.” Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin (D-Thousand Oaks) will facilitate a community discussion to conclude the event. $30. Pictured: Jessica Bruder, author of “Nomadland: Surviving America in the Twenty-First Century.” Photo by Todd Gray.
EXHIBIT OPENING RECEPTION WITH GLADYS RODRIGUEZ | 6-9 p.m. Meet artist Gladys Rodriguez and see the opening of her show titled Suspiro at 643 Gallery, 643 N. Ventura Avenue, Ventura.
INTRO TO FLY FISHING CLINIC | 9-11 a.m. FREE, in person outdoor event. Sespe Fly Fishers of Ventura is hosting an introductory fly rod casting clinic. All experience levels are welcome from those who’ve never held a fly rod to those who have been casting for years. This clinic can help you improve your casting and meet with fellow fly rod enthusiasts. Rods will be on hand to borrow. Rods are available to borrow. For more information call Thomas Hall, 805-377-5249. Chumash Park at Petit and Waco in East Ventura. Please adhere to all pandemic guidelines.
BELFAST | Monday, Feb. 7, Screenings at 3:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. This week’s screenings include an introduction by local Irish community activist, John McNally. The film, directed by Kenneth Branagh, tells the story of a 9-year-old boy who must chart a path towards adulthood through a world that has suddenly turned upside down. His stable and loving community and everything he thought he understood about life is changed forever but joy, laughter, music and the formative magic of the movies remain. UK, PG13. Movie goers must be vaccinated and wear a face covering when not eating or drinking in the theater. $11.25, senior and youth discounts available. PG 13, English. Plaza Cinemas 14, 255 W. 5th Street, Oxnard.
HEALTHY SCHOOLS ACT: BEST PRACTICES FOR PEST MANAGEMENT NEAR SCHOOLS SERIES – LANDSCAPE SESSION | 10-11:30 a.m. The California Department of Pesticide Regulations is hosting a series of workshops for those who work in the landscape industry about best practices for managing a wide range of pests in and around school campuses. This workshop will focus on Landscape Integrated Pest Management and cover weed and burrowing rodent management. Continuing education credits available. Registration is online:
TWILIGHT GATHERING | 7 p.m. Virtual and in person. Rev. Maddie Sifantus will lead this gathering amidst sound, silence and the spoken word. Atul Ranchod will provide original poetry, with music from Barry Cooper, a guitarist originally from Liverpool, England. Enjoy this reflective time in our busy week to hear inspiring music, share some silence and hear spoken word. Offerings requested to benefit the musicians. Universalist Unitarian Church of Santa Paula, 740 E. Main Street, Santa Paula.

WOMEN’S PHILANTHROPY GALA | Saturday, Feb. 5, 7-9 p.m. FREE, virtual event. The Jewish Federation of Ventura is hosting its annual fundraising event to support the most vulnerable in the community. This year’s event will honor Jewish women who are caring for the community during the pandemic by bestowing the Women of Valor award to them. This year the event welcomes special guest, entertainer Lainie Kazan, who portrayed the beloved Greek mother in the film My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Registration for the event is free and donations are requested. Details and registration are online at: Pictured: Lainie Kazan in My Big Fat Greek Wedding.
LUNCH & LEARN WITH THE LEAGUE | 12-1 p.m. FREE, online event. The public is invited to listen in on seven conversations with local elected officials. Today’s event features Steven Hintz, Ventura County Tax Collector. The interview will be hosted and conducted by the Ventura County League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization which encourages informed and active participation in government. Registration is required. 805-644-2899
AFTERNOON ORGAN RECITAL SERIES: ADAN FERNANDEZ | 12:30 – 1 p.m. California Lutheran University organist Adan Fernandez will perform music from Bach, Buxtehude, Widor and Vierne as well as improvisations on popular themes. Donations will be accepted. Audience members must show proof of full vaccination for COVID-19. For more information 805-493-3306. Samuelson Chapel, CLU, 165 Chapel Lane, Thousand Oaks.
VENTURA COUNTY CAMERA CLUB | 6:30 p.m. Virtual via GoToMeeting. Whether you capture images with your iPhone or an SLR, the club works to promote the art, science, technique and enjoyment of fine art photography through sharing, education, cooperation, association and fellowship. At each meeting members can submit work for review by a professional. Meetings are currently virtual. For details and to join the meeting contact club president via Instagram @67BillH or visit:
HEALTHY SCHOOLS ACT: BEST PRACTICES FOR PEST MANAGEMENT NEAR SCHOOLS SERIES – STRUCTURAL SESSION | 10-11:30 a.m. The California Department of Pesticide Regulation is hosting a series of workshops for those who work in the landscape industry about best practices for managing a wide range of pests in and around school campuses,. This workshop will focus on Structural Integrated Pest Management and cover insect and commensal rodent management. Continuing education credits available. Registration is online:
THE SOMIS THURSDAY CLUB | 12:30 p.m. Free, virtual Zoom event. A local women’s club that meets monthly over lunch to hear about various topics of interest. This month features Cheryl Temple, the Ventura County prosecutor who was part of the team assigned to prosecute Joseph D’Angelo, “The Golden State Killer.” Visitors and prospective members are welcome. Please call 805-469-5059 or email to RSVP and to receive Zoom information.
SCUBA DIVER VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR UNDERWATER SEARCH AND RESCUE | Training session begins March 11 in Camarillo. The Ventura County Sheriff’s Office Underwater Search and Rescue Team is in need of qualified SCUBA divers to volunteer. Divers must be skilled, reliable and willing to volunteer their time and own resources and be willing to attend an orientation session for the Underwater Academy scheduled to begin Friday, March 11, 2 p.m. ad the Ventura County Criminal Justice Training Center (Sheriff’s Academy), 106 Durley Avenue, Camarillo. The orientation-training is $250 and is held Friday evenings and Sunday morning through Aug. 21. Candidates must be 21 years or older and have their own personal dive equipment, live in Ventura County, or nearby and hold a current Open Water Certification. Advanced certification is preferred. Additional eligibility requirements apply. For additional information concerning the Dive Academy call: Team Captain Larry Fuller- (805) 746-3326. Team Administrative Officer Steve Giles- (805) 910-8067. Sheriff’s Office SAR Coordinator Sergeant Kelly Roark- (805) 388-4212.
APPLICATION PERIOD OPEN FOR 2022 YOUTH LEADERSHIP SUMMIT | Through Feb. 28. Students grades 7-12 in the Conejo Valley are encouraged to apply to attend the Youth Leadership Summit where community youth will participate in round table discussion with community leaders with the goal of keeping Thousand Oaks youth-friendly. Competitive application process open now. Information and application are online at: For questions regarding the Youth Leadership Summit, email or call Sarah Mailes at 805-449-2118.
HOMEBOUND VACCINATION INFORMATION | Are you or a loved one homebound and in need of the vaccine? Please call the Ventura County Area Agency on Aging at 805-477-7300 or email to request a visit from the mobile team. There is no cost for the visit. This service is available for any homebound individual 12 years old or older.
PUBLIC COMMENT INVITED ON CHANNEL ISLANDS NATIONAL MARINE SANCTUARY MANAGEMENT PLAN | Through Feb. 24, 2022 the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association is seeking public input about the CINMS management plan and draft environmental assessment. The plan and an online portal to provide input are online at the Federal Register: Questions can be emailed to:
WINTER WHALE WATCHING | Daily through April 23, 2022. It’s the time of year when Pacific gray whales can be seen along the Ventura County coastline during their migration from their feeding grounds in Alaska to their breeding grounds in Baja. Other species commonly seen include humpback whales, fin whales and sometimes orcas. Common dolphins are year round residents of the area. Island Packers, operating out of the Ventura Harbor Village, offers daily whale watching trips and excursions to the Channel Islands National Park. Whale watching, $42 adult, $30 children, 3-12. Kids 2 and under are free. All day trips are $63-$120 per adult. Book trips in advance.

MUSEUM OF VENTURA COUNTY Reopening on Feb. 3. Through May 8: Arte Para la Gente, the collected works of Margaret Garcia. Online: Out and Back: Ventura County Outdoor Adventures, a newly digitized collection of photographs taken from reels of film created by lifelong Ventura County resident and avid outdoorsman Herman Keene (1879-1965). Ongoing: MVC Gallery Marketplace, exhibits devoted to the Chumash, the history of Ventura County, George Stuart Historical Figures® and more. 100 E. Main St., Ventura, 805-653-0323 or
Some classes, exhibits and events are available exclusively online. All events are subject to change and cancellation; always verify with venue and/or organizer.
THE JUNGLE BOOK Feb. 4-27. A young boy raised by wolves in the jungle has numerous encounters and adventures that are somewhat paralleled by another boy sent to boarding school in England. Presented by Young Artists Ensemble. $12-19. Hillcrest Center for the Arts, 403 W. Hillcrest Dr., Thousand Oaks, 805-381-2747,
SOMETHING ROTTEN! Feb. 4-13. 5-Star Theatricals opens its 2022 season with this riotous musical farce set in the 1590s about two brothers competing with Shakespeare to make a name for themselves in theater. $30-91. Bank of America Performing Arts Center, 2100 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd., Thousand Oaks, 805-449-2787,
643 PROJECT SPACE Feb. 4-25. Suspiro, a solo show by Gladys Rodriguez. Opening reception on Friday, Feb. 4, 6-9 p.m. Masks required. 643 N. Ventura Ave., Ventura,
STUDIO CHANNEL ISLANDS Feb. 5-23. Emergence, featuring work by resident artists Maria Laura Hendrix and Andy Lepe as well as a curated selection of emerging artists, including juniors, seniors and recenct graduates from local universities. Opening reception on Saturday, Feb. 5, 4 p.m. 2222 E. Ventura Blvd., Camarillo, 805-383-1368,
DAB ART Ongoing. The contemporary art organization is currently seeking submissions of work in any media for group and solo exhibitions at H Gallery and Studios in Ventura. Submit three to 20 images; $35 entry fee. For submission guidelines, online application and more information, visit
HARVEY Through Feb. 12. A comedy of errors ensues when a social-climbing woman attempts to have her eccentric brother committed to a sanitarium because of his imaginary friend . . . a six-and-a-half-foot-tall rabbit named Harvey. $18-20. Conejo Players Theatre, 351 S. Moorpark Road, Thousand Oaks, 805-495-3715,
MATILDA JR.: THE MUSICAL Through Feb. 27. Plucky, clever, magical Matilda contends with her difficult family and a cruel headmistress to find friendship and family in this beloved family favorite from Roald Dahl. $23-25. High Street Arts Center, 45 E. High St., Moorpark, 805-529-8700,
PICASSO AT THE LAPIN AGILE Through Feb. 13. An original play by actor and comedian Steve Martin about an imagined meeting between artist Pablo Picasso and scientist Albert Einstein at a Paris bar in 1904. $17-20. The Elite, 2731 S. Victoria Ave., Oxnard, 805-483-5118,
THE SPITFIRE GRILL: A MUSICAL Through Feb. 13. A young woman with a difficult past arrives in a small, struggling town where she finds healing and family at a local eatery. $20-28. Simi Valley Cultural Arts Center, 3050 Los Angeles Ave., Simi Valley, 805-583-7900,
VANYA AND SONIA AND MASHA AND SPIKE Through Feb. 13. Hijinks ensue when two middle-aged siblings living on a cherry orchard in rural Pennsylvania get a visit from their movie-star sister and her young lover. $18-20. Ojai ACT, 113 S. Montgomery St., Ojai, 805-640-8797,
VENTURA COUNTY POETRY PROJECT Thursday, Feb. 3, 6:30 p.m. via Zoom: Online poetry reading with Jerry Garcia and open mic streamed live from the EP Foster Library, 651 E. Main St., Ventura. Wednesday, Feb. 9, 6 p.m. via Zoom: Online poetry reading by David Oliveira and open mic streamed live from the Newbury Park and Thousand Oaks Libraries. More information at
AGRICULTURE MUSEUM Reopening on Feb. 3. Through June 26: Tomols to Trains: County Transportation through the 1900s. Ongoing: Farm to Market, an interactive exhibit promoting healthy lifestyles through role play; plus antique tractors, farming implements, a living beehive and more. Hours: Thursdays-Sundays, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. 926 Railroad Ave., Santa Paula, 805-525-3100,
BEATRICE WOOD CENTER FOR THE ARTS Through Feb. 26. Ojai Visions, featuring members of the Ojai Studio Artists. 8585 Ojai-Santa Paula Road, Upper Ojai, 805-646-3381,
BUENAVENTURA ART ASSOCIATION Through March 12. Knowing Your Identity, a solo show of photography by Stella Kuyumjian exploring her journey toward mental health. Reception on Friday, Feb. 4, 5-8 p.m. Studio 99, Bell Arts Factory, 432 N. Ventura Ave., Ventura, 805-648-1235,
CANVAS AND PAPER Through Feb. 20. Works on paper by Henry Moore, Barbara Hepworth and Pablo Picasso. 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai, 805-798-9301,
CHANNEL ISLANDS MARITIME MUSEUM Through March 25: Coast Guard Art, portraits, search and rescue scenes and depictions of everyday life created by those participating in the Coast Guard Art Program. Ongoing: Maritime art covering Asian, European and American seafaring history; the Marple Model Ship Collection; exhibits on whales, sailors and the Port of Hueneme and more. 3900 Bluefin Circle, Oxnard, 805-984-6260,
DUDLEY HOUSE HISTORIC MUSEUM Ongoing. The National Historic Landmark was built in 1892 by Selwyn Shaw for lima bean farmer B.W. Dudley, and is one of the last pioneer farmhouses in Ventura. On display are artifacts and other elements showcasing aspects of life from 1895 to 1925. Open for tours the first Sunday of the month. COVID protocols will be strictly followed. 197 N. Ashwood Ave., Ventura, 805-642-3345,
FOX FINE JEWELRY Through April 17. Nature’s Theurgy featuring oil paintings by Robert Wassell inspired by his hikes and connection to God. 560 E. Main St., Ventura, 805-652-1800,
H GALLERY AND STUDIOS Through March 31. Transmission of Unknown Origin,nonrepresentational displays of human emotion. 1793 E. Main St., Ventura,
HARBOR VILLAGE GALLERY AND GIFTS Through March 15: New members show, with works by 10 resident artists. Ongoing: Buenaventura Art Association members showcase and sell their work. Masks and social distancing required. 1559 Spinnaker Drive #106, Ventura Harbor Village, 805-644-2750,
KWAN FONG GALLERY Through Feb. 3. Now Is the Happiest Time of Your Life, vivid and violent oil paintings by representational artist Carl Dobsky that focus on crude, cruel and savage human behavior. California Lutheran University, 160 Overton Court, Thousand Oaks, 805-493-3697,
MULLIN AUTOMOTIVE MUSEUM Ongoing. The famed auto museum pays tribute to French automotive design, with coaches from the 1800s, Bugattis from the 1920s-30s, Concours d’Elegance winners and more. Hours: Friday-Sunday, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; advance tickets required. 1421 Emerson Ave., Oxnard, 805-385-5400,
MURPHY AUTO MUSEUM Ongoing. Impressive display of vintage automobiles and Americana, as well as the Gold Coast Modular Railroad Club and the car-centric art in the Fireball Art Gallery. Muscles and Mojo car show in the parking lot every first and third Sunday of the month. The museum is now open Saturdays and Sundays, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 1930 Eastman Ave., Oxnard, 805-487-4333,
MUSEUM OF VENTURA COUNTY Reopening on Feb. 3. Through May 8: Arte Para la Gente, the collected works of Margaret Garcia. Online: Out and Back: Ventura County Outdoor Adventures, a newly digitized collection of photographs taken from reels of film created by lifelong Ventura County resident and avid outdoorsman Herman Keene (1879-1965). Ongoing: MVC Gallery Marketplace, exhibits devoted to the Chumash, the history of Ventura County, George Stuart Historical Figures® and more. 100 E. Main St., Ventura, 805-653-0323 or
OJAI ART CENTER Through March 3. A One Man-One Woman Artist, works by the masculine and feminine sides of artist-in-residence Paul Whitehead/Trisha van Cleef. 113 S. Montgomery St., Ojai, 805-646-0117,
OJAI INSTITUTE Through Feb. 26. Carolyn Glasoe Bailey Foundation is pleased to present Sounds For Survival, a solo exhibition project by Jovan C. Speller, a Minnesota artist known for interpreting historic narratives through contemporary discourse. 248 S. Montgomery St., Unit A, Ojai, 805-633-9188,
OJAI VALLEY MUSEUM Through March 13: Ojai Warming: Flora and Fauna in the Time of Climate Change, images and photos that show us the rare and endangered species in this area . . . and what we stand to lose due to drought, wildfires, extreme temperatures and habitat destruction. Ongoing: Small exhibitions on a range of topics related to the history of the Ojai Valley, as well as virtual talks and more. Now open Friday-Sunday. 130 W. Ojai Ave., Ojai, 805-640-1390,
OLIVAS ADOBE HISTORIC PARK Ongoing. The Olivas Adobe is now open the second Sunday of each month for visitors, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. The historic park invites all plein air artists to come out to the site for creative inspiration, from the rose garden and 160-year-old fuchsia to the rancho and the bell tower. In addition, Laura Jean Jespersen’s The Romance of the Adobe will be on exhibit in the small adobe. There will be raffles, historic interpreters, an al fresco gift shop and more. 4200 Olivas Park Drive, Ventura,
POPPIES ART AND GIFTS Ongoing. Gifts, jewelry, decor and more made by local artists. 323 E. Matilija St., Ojai, 805-798-0033,
PORCH GALLERY Through March 21. It’s My House!, an immersive installation-exhibit undertaken in collaboration with CURA Art celebrating the role of art collectors in supporting creative pursuits. 310 E. Matilija St., Ojai, 805-620-7589,
RANCHO CAMULOS MUSEUM Ongoing. The 40-acre landmark and museum is one of the best surviving examples of an early California rancho and honors the area’s Spanish and Mexican heritage. “Last Sundays at the Landmark” take place the last Sunday of every month, and include docent-led tours, music and more. Open every Sunday for docent-led tours; group and special-focus tours by appointment. Situated off of Highway 126, two miles east of Piru. 805-521-1501,
realART Opened Jan. 9. The art gallery in Whizin Market Square will host a new show with works by a variety of contemporary artists. Whizin Market Square, 28861 Agoura Road, Agoura Hills, 310-452-4000,
RONALD REAGAN PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Through Feb. 27. FBI: From Al Qaeda to Al Capone, covering the history of the organization from its inception to modern day. Exhibit will include a Thompson machine gun, the getaway car used by Bonnie and Clyde and the original Unabomber Manifesto. 40 Presidential Drive, Simi Valley, 800-410-8354,
SANTA PAULA ART MUSEUM Through May 8: En Plein Air: An Exploration of Malibu and Ventura County, works by 32 artist members of the famed, 113-year-old California Art Club. Through March 6: The 13th Annual Art About Agriculture, with 66 fresh works from 60 distinct artists that explore the many facets of agriculture. The museum is now open, Wednesdays-Sundays. 117 N. 10th St., Santa Paula, 805-525-5554 or
SPICETOPIA Through March 31. New Buenaventura Art Association members’ show. Details to come. 576 E. Main St., Ventura, 805-628-3267,
VENTURA POTTERY GALLERY Ongoing. Talented ceramic artists from across Ventura County make up the Ventura County Potters Guild, and they display their works — housewares, home decor, figurines and more — at the guild’s gallery and shop in Ventura Harbor. 1567 Spinnaker Drive, Suite 105, Ventura, 805- 644-6800,
VERY VENTURA GIFT SHOP AND GALLERY Through March 31. New Buenaventura Art Association members’ show. Details to come. 540 E. Main St., Ventura, 805-628-3540,
WILLIAM ROLLAND GALLERY Through Feb. 3: The Otherworld, visionary paintings by artists that imagine the world as another place. California Lutheran University, 160 Overton Court, Thousand Oaks, 805-493-3697,
Credit: Source link