From Joseph Christopher Alfe fly fishing for muskie to William Somerfield kayak fishing for walleye on Lake Erie, there are many and different ways to go about fishing; plus the Stray Cast comes at the end.


Joseph Christopher Alfe looks at muskie fishing differently.

‘‘My goal is to get one over 45 inches on the fly,’’ he messaged with photos of recent catches from the Chain O’Lakes.

There are different ways to experience the outdoors, be it fly-fishing for muskie or kayak-fishing for walleye on Lake Erie, as William Somerfield did.

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‘‘Interestingly, but not surprisingly, the fish do not want larger or quickly moving flies,’’ Alfe messaged. ‘‘They are literally slurping them off the bottom like a bass does a plastic worm, usually 4- or 5-inch leech or baitfish patterns. This is no secret to a few, but most muskie guys refuse to believe it.’’

The Chicago area produced a world authority on fly-fishing for muskie in Robert Tomes, who published ‘‘Muskie on the Fly’’ in 2008.

‘‘I used an 8WT Lamson SS rod with a full sink line,’’ Alfe messaged. ‘‘Fish were not interested in larger offerings, so I downsized to a 4.75-inch Game Changer articulated streamer.’’

Joseph Christopher Alfe with one of the muskies with notable spawning wounds that he caught fly fishing on the Chain O’Lakes.

One photo he sent featured a muskie with chunks taken out during spawning.

‘‘We saw many like that I could identify by their wounds over several days,’’ he messaged. ‘‘We saw a few giants paired up, as well.’’

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Somerfield took up kayak-fishing a couple of years ago. It has worked out.

In late April, he caught a personal-best 30-inch walleye and a 29-incher, among others, over three days in Lake Erie’s western basin.

William Somerfield with a 30-inch walleye caught while kayak fishing on Lake Erie. Provided

William Somerfield with a 30-inch walleye caught while kayak fishing on Lake Erie.

‘‘Was absolutely amazing: the views, the people, the different scenery,’’ he messaged of his first Erie trip. ‘‘We caught so many fish and made memories and met some amazing people.’’

He uses a 12-foot Hobie Pro Angler.

‘‘Planned a trip with two other buddies, and we made it happen!’’ he messaged. ‘‘We had a lot of help from the locals up there to point us in the right direction, where the fish were, and it was incredible. We nailed fish the whole trip at three different spots. I got that 30 at around 9:30 at night!’’

He will have a replica made.

‘‘I’ve always heard getting an Erie 30 is a trophy fish and a fish of a lifetime,’’ he noted. ‘‘Hopefully next year, when I go again, I can beat that!’’

William Somerfield doubled up with 30- and 29-inch walleyes while kayak fishing on Lake Erie. Provided photo

William Somerfield doubled up with 30- and 29-inch walleyes while kayak fishing on Lake Erie.


The Fish & Hook Sports Show is a go Saturday at VFW Post 5788 in Lockport with masking and COVID protocols.

Stray cast

Sports-talk radio after a Bears draft is like Cascade Falls after a 3-inch rain: all flotsam and jetsam.

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