An introduction to fly fishing, with free three-hour lessons, will be offered Saturday, Sept. 24, and Saturday, Sept. 31, at DNREC’s Aquatic Resources Education Center, 2520 Lighthouse Road, Smyrna.
Anglers interested in learning about and gaining skills in the sport of fly fishing are being encouraged to register for free, introductory fly-fishing lessons, hosted by DNREC, which has teamed up with experienced anglers from the White Clay Fly Fishers Club, who will be on site to provide instruction.
The two-part course for individuals 16 or older will be presented in two three-hour Saturday sessions on Sept. 24 and Oct. 1 from 9 a.m. to noon at the Aquatic Resources Education Center, 2520 Lighthouse Road, Smyrna.
The course is being offered free of charge to all participants, with advance registration required at Participants are being encouraged to bring their own fly rod, but instructors will also have loaner equipment available for program participants to use during the course.
Most individuals 16 or older who participate in the program must have a current Delaware fishing license. License-exempt anglers, including Delaware residents 65 or older, must obtain a free FIN number to fish. Delaware recreational fishing licenses are sold and free FIN numbers are available online at and from authorized license agents statewide as listed online.
Information on fishing in Delaware can be found in the 2022 Delaware Fishing Guide. The guide is also available in a printed form from authorized license agents throughout the state.
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