Fly fishing in the High Country’s winter |


Winter is a wonderful time in the High Country, with all sorts of experiences available to those who enjoy the outdoors. While firmly planted in the Sunbelt south, the higher altitudes of the Blue Ridge Mountains in western North Carolina provide many opportunities for wintertime fun.

Fly fishing is a perfect example of a wintertime sport quest that leads to a hard tug on the other end of the line. While most fishermen and women stay close to home in the winter months, waiting for early spring, those with a hearty sense of adventure and the guile to be cheerful in all weathers are well-rewarded when seeking out trout during the offseason.

In the winter months, there are many fewer anglers on the waterways than found in the rest of the year. With the influx of folks invading the outdoors during this crazy year of pandemic, having a beautiful section of mountainous nature to yourself with a fly rod in your hand is a great reward for those who wear the right clothing and come with the right mindset.

The fact is, as for the three main species of trout found here in the High Country, trout are a cold-watered species by nature.

In the amazing water system found here in the High Country, with multiple streams and rivers flowing off of nearly every large mountain; fish are breaking free of the lethargy that comes with the warmer temperatures of summer and they will stay active and feisty throughout in the colder months.

There is a wide array of waterways to be explored by the angler around Boone, Banner Elk, Wilson Creek Gorge and Blowing Rock. With a slew of impressive mountains surrounding us, including some of the highest peaks found east of the Rockies, there are many rivers, streams and creeks to seek out with the right hired fishing guide. As a result, the trout fishing industry has become one of the biggest businesses in our area.

Fly fishing is a different method of fishing compared to the usual rod and reel, can-of-worms type of angling that many of us learned to do as kids. With many breeds of freshwater fish such as bass, bluegrass, crappie, catfish and more, a spinning reel or bait caster reel is used to throw out either live bait or artificial lures to fool them, catch them and bring them in, depending on the species and natural fishing conditions.

Fly fishing, however, is viewed by many as a more refined and precise approach to fishing due to the nature of the species of choice, the trout. As a result, trout fishing requires a different kind of fishing system that is both easy to learn and fascinating to experience.

Brown trout, rainbow trout and native brook trout are the three species of trout found in North Carolina. The optimum water temperature for trout is found within the 40- to 70-degree range.

The rainbow trout is a species that is native to the Pacific Northwest, yet it was successfully introduced into North Carolina waters many years ago. That is also true with the brown trout, which is a species that was brought in from Europe and Asia. Brook trout, however, is the smaller trout species that is native to the eastern half of the U.S. and Canada. Because this is their original home, they are appreciated and prized by anglers.

Because of the trout’s idiosyncratic traits when it comes to eating; fly fishing rods, reels and baits are the preferred method of fishing for these wonderful creatures.

At the heart of the trout fishing system is the artificial lure, all of which are designed to mimic the small aquatic, land-based and flying creatures that trout love to eat. Known overall as trout flies, many of these artificial lures are small and hand-crafted, using various materials to make a furry fly that will land on the top of the water just right so it will trigger a strike by a waiting trout. The lures used in the winter months, however, are different than those used in the warmer months as there are little to no insects for the fish to eat in the wintertime. So, lures mimicking the creatures that live in the water year round are used instead, with great success.

To get a floating artificial lure to land just right on the top of the water or slowly sinking under the water line; that is where the distinctive design of the fly rod and reel comes into play.

Using a long fly fishing rod, the angler is able to cast the light-in-weight lure back and forth in the air forcibly but smoothly with the goal of releasing enough fishing line to get the lure to the spot where the trout are hiding.

Many of us have seen fly fish anglers in action, either walking a stream or on video. What is fun about the sport is that you can learn how to use fly fishing rods, reels and baits in less than a day. Fly fishing adds a whole other layer to the fishing experience and new fly fishing anglers soon develop a passion for the sport.

For those of you that want to take the plunge and learn a wonderful new way of connecting with nature that will last a lifetime, there are many fly fishing outfitters located here in the High Country that will assist you and guide you. Not only can you buy gear from them, they will teach you how to fly fish for trout and then take you to the best, most secret waterways where the big trout live. The sport is yet another reason why this area is a great place to vacation, visit and to live in.

There is, however, only one fly fishing gear store and guiding service located in the middle of downtown Boone — Boone’s Fly Shop.

Formerly known as Highland Outfitters, Boone’s Fly Shop is located on the second floor suite of a refurbished and old antique building at 140 S. Depot St., Highland Outfitters is a full-service company ready to supply all of your fishing gear needs and put you on the water with experienced guides. Some of the prime fly-fishing rivers and streams serviced by the company are found in Linville, Blowing Rock, Banner Elk and Boone as well as the Watauga and the South Holston Rivers in Tennessee.

Owner Alex Dale found success with his Highland Outfitters store originally located in Linville. Then, he started a second business with the Foscoe Fishing Company located on Rte. 105 outside of Boone, which is still in business. Then, when he found out that this prime piece of real estate was open to rent in downtown Boone, he decided to take a leap and move his Highland Outfitters operation to the downtown area where the tourists and potential fly-fishing enthusiasts are thick, especially during the holiday months.

While Dale had to make adjustments due to the coronavirus crisis of 2020, Boone’s Fly Shop and the Foscoe Fishing Company have survived the storm and has even come away with some new ways to do business that were influenced by the pandemic lockdown.

“The retail side of the business is why I am here in downtown Boone, plus the fact that no matter where the shop is, we are never far from prime fishing waters,” said Dale. “The New River starts here in Boone as does Winklers Creek, and we also fish as far away as the tailwaters of the Watauga River and the South Holston River, which are some of the best trout fisheries in the Southeast. Those cool waterways and the limestone rock in the water are all a part of good trout fishing. As for this year of 2020, we have been fortunate enough to leave our doors open during the pandemic, utilizing the 50 percent capacity limit for stores. People, however, were and are still fishing during this situation, so business is good.”

Fly fishing, in many ways, is a perfect sport to seek out during a pandemic.

“The thing about fly fishing is we prefer to be socially distant anyway,” said Dale. “We had customers who wanted to support us during this hard time so they would buy our gift cards. Things like that helped to keep our doors open. Fly fishing, especially the guide service side of the industry, took a big hit because of the lockdown as it takes tourism and travel to happen. Even though we have altered our practices a bit, business has finally picked up as folks began to flock to the outdoors. We have a lot of folks that come into town to learn how or where to fish. Our fastest demographic is women taking up the sport and next to that are younger folks who are taking up fly fishing as well, from teenagers to college students to those in their late 20s.”

Dale is an optimist when it comes to the future, his company and with fly fishing in general.

“Short term, it has been difficult, but long term is starting to look better,” said Dale. “The silver lining is that I am learning new ways to do business and to help our customers. The engagement with our customers that we have experienced on social media has been surprising. I have always used social media as a place where I like to provide free information and entertainment, a place where people can learn how to fly fish, and to paint a pretty picture of life on the water. But, I never focused on selling much on those platforms. At the same time, social media has been very helpful as people have been forward about buying our products and helping us to keep our store open during this crazy time. It has led to a deeper engagement with our local and regional fly fishermen and women.”

Now, it seems like more people than ever have discovered the outdoors and all that nature has to offer. The growing sport of High Country fly fishing is an excellent way to experience life in the mountains in the winter time. And, if you are dreaming of fly fishing in the springtime, the holiday season is a great time to buy fishing-related gifts and to catch up on the latest lures and trends.

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