Fishing Report: High toxic levels of blue-green algae found in Indian Creek Reservoir; fishing successful elsewhere throughout region | Carson City Nevada News


Hello fellow anglers. I have been out on a fishing adventure for a few weeks. We took a drive up to Oregon and the northern CA coast. We went fishing for steelhead, salmon, halibut, black cod and lingcod.

On one trip out of Brookings OR, we headed out about 15 miles off the coast for halibut. Forecast was for calm seas, which is a good thing when you are in a 21 ft jet boat.

After driving out about 10 miles, I questioned the calm seas. I thought it might have been my driving, but we all agreed that 6-8 foot waves were a little too much, so we headed back in to fish for lingcod. We did catch a few fish before the 25 mph winds drove us back in. By this time the waves were in the 8-10 ft range. My cousin drove us back in, riding on top of these waves. He had more experience maneuvering on bigger waters. If you ever wanted to feel like you are surfing, this is as close as you will get without a board.

We did fish a few more times on our trip and caught a few nice fish. Unfortunately the salmon and steelhead run had ended. And as note; yes, we were wearing our life jackets. After we got home, I received a call from my cousin. He had taken the boat down the Rogue river and the boat lost seven of the eight fuel injectors and they had to get a tow back home. We were so lucky that this did not happen out on the ocean.

Always be prepared whether you are on the ocean, or just a small lake in the sierras. We had a coast guard radio and were wearing our life jackets. We had also told our family where we were going and when we would return.

Now for some local exciting news: 4th of July weekend is here and the Carson River Resort will be celebrating in style.

Sunday they will be having a BBQ with all the fixin’s. They will have a bagpiper playing throughout the afternoon, then at 3 p.m. they will start live music from a local musician. At 6 p.m. the Lost Reverends of the High Sierra will start playing into the evening.

This is to celebrate the Carson River Resorts 100 year anniversary, which they have not been able to do a proper celebration due to the pandemic and the Tamarack fire that happened last year. The town of Markleeville will be having specials and celebrations over the entire weekend. All are welcome. The only thing they ask is: Do Not bring any fireworks. If you are caught using them, or in your possession, you will receive a special memento of a $1000 fine by our friends in law enforcement.

Now let’s check out our local lakes and streams.

SILVER LAKE: The water level is high, the ramp is open and as I passed by last week, there were at least 30 anglers on the spillway fishing and having a good time. Fishing for macs has been fair for anglers that are on the lake before sunrise. Black and silver Rapalas have been my favorite tool in the deep channels. Rainbows have been doing fair for shore anglers with powerbait of inflated crawlers.

CAPLES LAKE: The lake is at full capacity. The resort is open for boat and kayak rentals. The general store is open for those items you forgot to bring. They have cabin rentals and the Caples lake campground is open but on a first come first serve basis. The EID day use facility is open for launching and relaxation. Fishing has been fair to good, depending on the day you’re there. Best areas have been by the Woods Creek area and along the west side for trollers. The spillway or the west side on the dam is better for shore anglers. There is no water skiing allowed on the lake and they have a 25 mph speed limit. For more information stop by the Caples Lake Resort.

WOOD LAKE: The lake is open for camping and fishing. Perfect area for a good day hike up to Frog Lake, Winnemucca Lake, Round top and 4th of July Lake.

BLUE LAKES: The road is open all the way up to Blue lakes, including Sunset and Tamarack Lake. The fishing is slow to fair. Best bait for shore anglers is salmon eggs. Small boats are allowed on the lake. Flashers and a crawler or Rapalas are best for trollers.

RED LAKE: The lake was planted a couple weeks ago with catchable rainbow trout by CDFW. Salmon eggs or worms are best for shore action. Kastmasters have been successful. Be cautious of the blue green algae in the lake. Do not allow pets to drink or swim in the lake. After you clean your fish, rinse them in freshwater. The lake offers rainbow, brook and cutthroat trout.

BURNSIDE LAKE: The road is open. I have not received any fishing reports from the lake. The area offers dry camping with no campfires.

INDIAN CREEK RESERVOIR: The campground area is closed due to the Tamarack fire for the remainder of the season. Both roads are open for access. Blue-Green Algae Levels at Indian Creek Reservoir have been determined to be well above the “DANGER” level. The lake is being posted with the appropriate warning signs in effect until further notice. Ongoing testing will be conducted on a regular basis. My prediction (always risky but based on evidence!) is that conditions will get worse before they get better. My hypothesis is that significant amounts of ash from the Tamarack Fire surrounding the lake have been washed into the lake with each rain event this winter and spring creating a nutrient rich environment facilitating growth of the algae.

Potential symptoms in dogs following exposure to blue-green algae toxins can include lethargy, difficulty breathing, salivation, vomiting, urination, diarrhea, or convulsions leading to death. The unexplained death of a dog after contact with contaminated water is often a sentinel event which alerts officials to the potential of a toxic bloom. People can experience eye irritation, skin rash, mouth ulcers, vomiting, diarrhea, and cold or flu-like symptoms, with impacts to the liver. Dogs and children are most likely to be affected because of their smaller body size and tendency to stay in the water for longer periods. While there is no antidote for exposures, persons should see their physician and those with pets which may have been exposed should go to their veterinarian for supportive care.

CARSON RIVER WEST FORK ALPINE COUNTY: The river is running a little low but the fishing has been good. The CDFW planted the river this week and Alpine County planted the river last week. Drifting salmon eggs or powerbait with a split shot into the deeper water has been productive. Small spinners have alway been working well in the faster waters. For more information, stop by the Creekside Inn.

CARSON RIVER EAST FORK: fishing has been off the hook good. Last week it was running clear and at 240 cfs, this week it is still clear and at 164 cfs. Green or yellow powerbait, salmon eggs on a small split shot has been most productive. Elk hair caddis with a copper jon dropper has been most productive for fly anglers. The CDFW planted the river this week with catchable rainbows. Alpine County planted the river last week with larger rainbows. One thing I am tired of seeing is small dead fish laying on the bottom up and down the river. If you do not want to keep the smaller fish, use a barbless hook or use a small spinner. Practice the proper technique of catch and release. Don’t forget to stop by the Carson River Resort to have your picture taken with your catch. To go in their book of fame and to be in the next Naw report. For more information, stop by the Carson River Resort.

HIGHLAND LAKES: Road is open now. The lower lake has small brook trout and a small campground area for dry camping. The road is mostly dirt for about eight miles in. Salmon eggs are most productive. The upper lake is just nice to look at, keep the fishing in the lower lake.

MARKLEEVILLE CREEK: The river is running a little low and the fishing has been slow. Mice tail in the currents have been productive. Or small spinners.

Good luck on your next fishing adventure. Remember that California free fishing day is July 2nd. There will be a lot of people on the roads this weekend, so slow down and make sure you get to your designation safely. Drink plenty of fluids (beer does not count) to keep hydrated. Save the beer for back at the campground. Wear your bug spray and sunscreen.

If you get a picture of your catch, send it to

Hope to see you on the waters this weekend. Good fishin’ and tight lines.

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