Fishing Line, Jan. 26 | News


What has been a nice weather pattern recently is expected to continue as chillier days during the week yield to a pleasant weekend with temps expected to exceed the 50-degree mark.

On the fishing front, not much has changed either as upper elevation lakes in the area continue to produce periods of plentiful trout and panfish action. And activity in the larger prairie lakes surrounding — Angostura and Orman — remains on the slow side.

Most importantly, ice conditions are generally excellent throughout the area, though pressure ridges remain a constant concern.

Also, due to lack of snow, some lake surfaces are extremely slick, and ice spikes, cleats or chains are highly recommended.

The prospect good weather should make for some pleasant fishing opportunities in the high country this weekend. And a nice out-of-town adventure amid the hubbub of the Black Hills Stock Show activities.

Here’s a brief update on what’s been happening.

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Angostura Reservoir: Though the lake does have solid ice — 4.5 to 10 inches reported — in most locations, the bite, with the exception of some perch activity in spots, remains slow.

Bear Butte: Crappie and perch (small in both instances) activity reported.

Belle Fourche Reservoir (Orman): The lake is kind of a mess at present as water has been discharged into the lake, a situation that, coupled with warmer water, has led to slushy conditions along shorelines. With that, not much fishing activity has been taking place. Ice is accessible at spots though for the few who have ventured out. The walleye bite has been slow to non-existent.

Bismarck Lake: Perch activity reported.

Black Hills Fly Fishing: Good dry fly-fishing opportunities on Rapid Creek through town. Midge hatch, typically starting around 2 a.m., has been excellent on warmer days.

Deerfield Lake: Excellent ice reported, though pressure ridges may be a concern. Reports of steady perch, trout and northern pike bites continue. Perch have been suspended at depths of 30 feet in 70 feet of water and responding to wax worms or red wigglers. And another large lake trout was caught last week.

Pactola Reservoir: Good ice reported, though wind-swept conditions and lack of snow have created very slick ice. Excellent trout and perch bites reported on minnows and wax worms. Also pike activity in Jenney and Bear Gulches has picked up as well as a lake trout bite at deeper depths of main lake.

Sheridan Lake: Lake has good ice through watch for pressure ridges. Perch (including some fish in the 12-inch range), crappie and trout activity on wax worm, red maggots and small minnows. Also, pike activity continues at times on chubs and smelt near highway 385.

Stockade Lake: Bluegill and perch activity reported—waxworms, red maggots an active and dead stick presentations. Some northern pike activity as well.  

Tisdale Lake: Northern pike bite reported.

Lake Oahe: Most of the fishing activity has been centered in bays and off points. A fair walleye bite reported and some pike activity as well.

Lake Sharpe: Warm weather over the weekend should send boaters out below the dam. Walleye have been active from below the dam to Ft. George area. Farther south, ice fishermen should find walleye action in the West Bend area.

Lake Francis Case: Walleye bite has picked up as ice conditions have stabilized. Minnows and silver lures on jigging sticks are working when schools are located.

Ice Fishing Tournaments & News

January 30th — Walleyes Unlimited Sheridan Lake Ice Fishing Derby: Pre-registration required. Visit Walleyes Unlimited website for an application, pick up a registration form at The Rooster or other sporting goods locations or call (605) 381-5300 or 390-0567 for more information.

February 5th — Pierre Winter Fishing Week: Call Todd Bowman (605-280-3723) for info.

Dakota Angler & Outfitter, 513 Seventh St., Rapid City; The Rooster, 1441 W. Main St., Rapid City; Wheel in Bait Shop, 18696 Fisherman’s Road, Fruitdale, and West Prairie Resort, 28354 182nd, Pierre (605-264-5303) have contributed to this report.

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