Finding his beach: Missoula Big Sky grad Brian Beach discovers new passion working on golf course | Local Sports


It’s a lot to learn, but it’s bringing Beach some peace on the course, where he used to be dialed in as a golfer who lived and died with every shot when he was in his early 20s. Now married, he’s rooted in Helena and will play fun rounds with his wife or get in some putting during his lunch breaks.

“Probably the best thing that’s happened to me is meeting my wife because I’d still be trying to play golf, still struggling, getting injured if I didn’t,” Beach said, noting they got married at Glacier National Park’s Avalanche Lake in the pouring rain June 30.

“There’s no expectations and real pressure now. If I miss an easy putt, the sun’s still going to come up tomorrow. Golf is so much more fun now that I’m not chasing it for work. You’ve got to remember why you got into it in the first place.”

Beach grew up around golf, immersing himself in the game before going to Big Sky, where he earned a 10th-place finish at the 2007 State AA meet. From there, he worked in pro shops and ground crews, moving back and forth between Palm Springs, Florida, and Missoula, where he worked at The Highlands Golf Club, Linda Vista Golf Course and Diamondback Golf.

After three years of occasional success as a full-time professional on minor tours and in Canada, Beach turned his attention to settling into a more stable career. He doesn’t get out to as many tournaments as he used to, but he plays in some scrambles and some open events a few times a year.

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