Episode guide | A Girl’s Guide to Hunting, Fishing and Wild Cooking : SBS Food


This stunning original series joins​ world-renowned chef Analiese Gregory, as she takes the biggest risk of her life – leaving her restaurant career for a century old cottage at the bottom of the world, in Tasmania, Australia.

Here, she strives to forge a new life for herself – learning to hunt, fish, forage and live seasonally closer to nature.

Analiese is determined to bring some wildness into her life, and she’s given herself a year to see if she can make her wild adventure work. 

Over a year like no other,​ we share her journey of discovery. With the help of her new local community, will she learn the skills she needs… before the wild southern winter begins?


Episode 1

Airs 8.30pm Thursday 18 November 2021 on SBS Food

Analiese Gregory prepares for her first Spring in her new Tasmanian home by receiving a very personal ‘Welcome to Country’ ceremony from First Nations elder, Aunty Kris Schaffer. With the help of new friends and neighbours, she learns to shoot, and goes on an overnight fishing adventure, before laying down roots in her new native garden.


Episode 2

Airs 8.30pm Thursday 25 November 2021 on SBS Food

Analiese makes the most of Spring and discovers it’s a very busy time of year, here in one of the southernmost parts of the world. She harvests seaweed, and begins building her pantry, before beginning a kitchen garden, with the help of Californian organic garden guru Tony Scherer. She also dives for wild scallops with local seafarers Chris and Mikey, at a secret location.

Recipe: Grilled scallops with wakame jam

Episode 3

Airs 8.30pm Thursday 2 December 2021 on SBS Food

Analiese embarks on a new venture, with her neighbour Al, and gets two piglets to raise for meat. She confronts her fear of bees and harvests wild honey in the mountains of Tasmania with French bee-whisperer extraordinaire, Yves Ginat, before embarking on a solo trip to Lake Pedder to go fly-fishing for her first wild trout.

Recipes: Bay blossom ice-cream, cured trout, and smoked brown trout with butter sauce


Episode 4

Airs 8.30pm Thursday 9 December 2021 on SBS Food

Conquering her fear of bees, Analiese gets her first beehive before heading off on a summer camping adventure with one of her best friends and famous Thai restaurateur, Palisa Anderson. Analiese takes Palisa to pristine Satellite Island to forage, find lobster, and experience her first abalone dive.

Recipes: Homemade XO sauce, seared abalone with noodles and XO sauce, grilled Southern rock lobster with sea urchin butter.


Episodes 5-8 coming soon…

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