Edgartown: Back to school – The Martha’s Vineyard Times


Eek! Sitting down to type this, and had to enter the date. Sept. 1. How did that happen? I scared myself. The itty-bitty panics are starting, as we teachers face our return to school on Wednesday. Honestly, so many teachers and other staff members have been in school throughout the summer, cleaning and organizing supply orders, registering and doing paperwork for the students and families, helping with various projects that always seem to need to be addressed in the summer because there isn’t time for “extras” during the school year. And many teachers have already returned, as it takes so long to set up classrooms and ready them for the school year, and much of our time during our first official days is full of trainings, meetings, and professional development. I lack focus this week, so haven’t been in to set up my computer lab. I’ve been on a cart for two years, and will finally return to an actual lab this year, and I haven’t had much but a passing thought about how I will lay things out. I’ll be a busy bee on Thursday and Friday. And very likely, over the weekend too.

I do want to give a huge shout-out to Dwight Kaeka and his staff for working all summer, cleaning and organizing so many materials and furniture that was still in storage last year, all without the use of an elevator. Our school is always, always the cleanest and best-maintained school that I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen a lot of schools, as many of our dance competitions over the years were at schools. Gina DeBettencourt and her kitchen gang also need kudos and thank-yous for prepping for the upcoming year, as well as supplying us all with wonderful lunches during our first three prep days. Well, really, always. Our cafeteria is awesome. Big thank-you also to the folks in the front office who are working hard on all the class lists and required paperwork for all of our students, so that we teachers know which way is up when we return. And of course, Darren Belisle, our tech guru and in-house comedian, who has been working all summer updating our tech equipment. Schools just can’t run without tech anymore. We are truly lucky to have such wonderful staff members to keep us up and running.

Happy birthday wishes go out this week to Kathryn Vieira, Jen Woods, and Mike Poirier on Sept. 3, Kalob Shipton, Eric Hatt, and Alison Enos on Sept. 4, Kathy Pogue and Linda Hathaway on Sept. 5, and Sarah Parece and my fabulous brother-in-law, Phil Fleisher, on Sept. 6. Lots of birthdays this week.

Don’t forget that state primaries are Sept. 6. Get out and vote. Make your voice heard. Regardless of party or affiliation. Everyone should vote so that our government truly represents all of us.

The M.V. Surfcasters Association is holding a used tackle sale on Saturday, Sept. 3, from 8 am until 1 pm at the MVRHS parking lot. This is their annual fundraiser for their high school scholarship fund. They will have fishing gear for shore and boats: rods, reels, lures, tackle boxes, and so much more. All monies raised go to the scholarship fund for MVRHS graduates. What a great opportunity and awesome cause.

Trying to figure out what your fifth- through eighth-grade student needs for school this year? Supply lists are available on the main school webpage at edgartownschool.org. Just scroll down on the homepage, and you should see the lists of necessary supplies. Many families buy their supplies off-Island at places like Walmart and Staples, but also remember that the school store carries a lot of the necessary items, and prices are more than fair.

The Edgartown library is offering a fly-tying workshop with Tim Sheran on Saturday, Sept. 3, at 10:30. In this hourlong workshop, you will learn how to tie your own fly, as well as what flies work best to attract fish in our local waters. Registration is required; the link is bit.ly/tieafly.

If you are over the age of 65 and in need of safety modifications for your home, the Edgartown Council on Aging may be able to help! The Home Safety Modification Program provides grab bars, handrails, and other equipment to help keep you safe. Participants pay on a sliding scale, with some installations at no cost. Please call the Anchors for more information at 508-627-4368. What a wonderful and important program. Thank you, ECOA.

I reckon that’s all I’ve got for now, though I’m sure I’ll think of 18 things that I forgot in the next few days. If you want to share news for next week, my deadline is early this week, so get me your news by Friday morning. Enjoy Labor Day Weekend. Have a great week.

If you have any Edgartown Town Column suggestions, email Gail Gardner, ggardnermv@gmail.com.


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