Content to go with the flow – The Morning Sun


Most of us live our lives doing the nine-to-five, getting it done, raising our families, enjoying our friends, and seeking enough time and money for relaxation and reflection. Some of us dedicate a portion of our time to spiritual devotion and charitable acts.

Whereas others bang their spoons and scribble about perceived slights incurred by the individual living rent-free in their heads. Whether the individual is an ex-spouse or former (THE key word) White House occupant, my point is that person is in the rear-view. Who cares anymore? This persistent obsession with the past obscures and underplays the very real problems of the present. But … perhaps that’s the point. Who wants ice cream?

Beyond the one-note symphonies banging and clanging their cacophonous caterwauling from this real estate last week, things within the realm of what may be managed and controlled went well in my world. For example, as this is written, my mother celebrated a significant birthday, which sparked the gathering of many family members to celebrate an amazing woman. Great conversations, great photographs, and terrific food – and a special thank you to the talented deli staff at Ric’s Food Center for the tasty ribs and delicious chicken.

Elsewhen over the weekend, my buddy and I enjoyed Friday afternoon brews and some amazing brisket tips at the Summit, after meeting with a very special lady with a very tragic story. Leaving aside the very personal details, this gracious and beautiful soul graced me with her late son’s music collection. Suffice it to say, I’m humbled and will remember her generosity for as long as I’m rotating vinyl and spinning compact discs on this revolving planet orbiting the Sun.

We wrapped up the evening by seeing Stone Street Revival in Midland, which was a major treat. Any band with the courage to perform magnificent versions of both the Grass Roots’ “Temptation Eyes” and Jethro Tull’s “Locomotive Breath” gets major respect from this music fan. In other music-related weekend news, I also picked up a used, sealed, copy of Ry Cooder’s 2011 “Pull Up Some Dust and Sit Down,” the Jayhawks’ 1995 “Tomorrow the Green Grass,” and Buddy Miller’s second solo effort, 1997’s “Poison Love,” at one of Mt. Pleasant’s many fine resale shops.

Saturday began with a breakfast and piping hot coffee at Stan’s Restaurant before heading out to one of my favorite fly-fishing spots. By 9:30 a.m. I had already landed my first of several brook trout on my trusty Sage Foundation 4 wt. Before long, I’d catch another 50 or so creek chub, but it was fun to be out on the water regardless. Small hoppers and a black fly turned many fish.

The heat and a sore back led me to knock off for fresh water, a little reading, a brief nap, and switching out to an Orvis 7-ft. 6 in. 4 wt. By the time I went back into the water a couple of hours later, it was slightly cooler, but the fish seemed less inclined to cooperate with whatever I was casting their way.

Saturday night found me back home where the World’s Most Beautiful Woman and faithful pygmy pony greeted me enthusiastically. I eagerly tore open a package received in the mail earlier that day; a 1966 pristine edition of Herbert Read’s “Selected Poetry” and a replacement copy of my college buddy Marcus Cafagna’s 1996 National Poetry Series volume, “The Broken World.”

In the words of poet Maud Kennedy as sung and accompanied by Pete Townshend: “I am ready to learn and grow/I am alone with the truth/I am brave what is there to fear/I am strong, God supports me/I am patient, each moment of eternity/I am able to help when necessary/I am happy singing in the arms of God.”

Yup, I am content.

Bruce Edward Walker ( is a Morning Sun columnist.

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