Conditions report for areas near Redmond, Prineville, sno-parks | Explore Central Oregon


After recent snowfall, many area trails may have a good covering of the white stuff to crunch through this weekend. The weather looks slightly milder, in the upcoming days, but then again, this is Central Oregon, and if you don’t like the current weather, wait a while — it’ll probably change.

Places around Redmond and Prineville usually receive less snow accumulation, not this time. So head out to these northern spots and see the beauty of snow along the Crooked River Grasslands and beyond.

For a full list of conditions updated regularly, please visit

Hiking and Day Use Sites

NOTE: Many of the trails along seasonally closed highways and forest service roads remain open, but can only be accessed by hike, snowshoe, cross country ski or snowmobile due to accumulating snowfall. See Forest Service websites for more details and restrictions.

Ochoco National Forest

Alder Springs Trailhead: Open; access road closed to motor vehicles

Baneberry Trailhead: Open

Barnhouse Trailhead: Open

Black Canyon East (Formerly South Fork) Trailhead: Open

Black Canyon West (Formerly Dusty Camp) Trailhead: Open

Boeing Field Trailhead: Open

Coffeepot Trailhead: Open

Cottonwood Trailhead: Open

Cougar East Trailhead: Open

Cougar West Trailhead: Open

Cyrus Trailhead: Open

Fry Trailhead: Open

Giddy-Up Go Trailhead: Open

Gray Butte Trailhead: Open

Green Mountain North Trailhead: Open

Green Mountain South Trailhead: Open

Henderson Flat OHV Trail System: Open

Henderson Flat Staging Area: Open

Keeton Trailhead: Open

Kelsey Trailhead: Open

Line Butte East (Formerly Fawn Creek) Trailhead: Open

Line Butte West Trailhead: Open

Lookout Mountain Lower Trailhead: Open

Lookout Mountain Upper Trailhead: Open

Mascall Corral (Formerly Apple West) Trailhead: Open

Mother Lode Mine Trailhead: Open

Payten Trailhead: Open

Potlid North Trailhead: Open

Potlid South Trailhead: Open

Rim (Formerly Apple Middle) Trailhead: Open

Rimrock Springs Trailhead: Open

Rock Creek Trailhead: Open

Round Mountain North Trailhead: Open

Round Mountain South Trailhead: Open

Scales Corral Trailhead: Open

Scotty Creek Trailhead: Open

Skull Hollow Trailhead: Open

South Prong Trailhead: Open

Steins Pillar Trailhead: Open

Tam-A-Lau Trailhead: Open

Trail Crossing Corrals Trailhead: Open

Twin Pillars North Trailhead: Open

Twin Pillars South Trailhead: Open

Wildcat North Trailhead: Open

Wildcat South Trailhead: Open

Bureau of Land Management

Chimney Rock Trail: Open

Huntington Wagon Road: Open

Lower Crooked River: Open

North Fork: Open

Redmond Caves Recreation Site: Open

Scout Camp Trail: Open

Steelhead Falls Trail: Open

Trout Creek Trail: Open; please respect private lands bordering trail

Oregon State Parks

Cline Falls State Scenic Viewpoint: Open; expect reduced services; restrooms are closed, portable toilet is on site; maintain social distancing and wear a mask

Cove Palisades State Park: Open for day-use and lake access; all campgrounds and cabins are closed for the season

Jasper Point: Open; boat ramp closed due to low water conditions; camping is closed for the season

Peter Skene Ogden State Scenic Viewpoint: Open

Prineville Reservoir State Park: Open; expect reduced services; cabins are closed

Smith Rock State Park: Open — limited services; no camping; climbing closures to protect nesting raptors in place until August; park-wide drone ban is in effect.

Ski areas and sno-parks

Updated 8 a.m. Jan. 28

Hoodoo: Open; 57.3 inch base

Mt. Bachelor: Open; 73 inch base; Summit will open weather permitting, Red Chair is being used as backup for Pine Marten, First Rays is closed

Willamette Pass: 48 inches at lodge; rentals and tickets must be reserved online in advance

Deschutes National Forest

Crescent Lake Sno-Park: Open; 8-18 inches; marginal conditions due to low snow

Crescent Junction: Open; 8-18 inches; marginal conditions due to low snow

Dutchman Sno-Park: Open; 42-60 inches; good conditions, limited parking and no overnight camping; 40-foot max length limit for vehicle/trailer combination; expect heavy use

Edison Butte Sno-Park: Open; 18-36; inches; good conditions; area roads closed to highway vehicles through March 31, 2021

Kapka Butte Sno-Park: Open; 30-42 inches; good conditions; area roads closed to highway vehicles through March 31, 2021

Meissner Sno-Park: Open; 16-30 inches; good conditions; area roads closed through April 1, 2021; no dogs; lodge currently closed

Skyliner Sno-Park: Open; unknown snow depth, access road closed for the season, road is now a ski/snowshoe trail

Swampy Sno-Park: Open; 27-42 inches; good conditions; no dogs; area roads closed through March 31, 2021

Vista Butte Sno-Park: Open; 30-42 inches; good conditions; area north of parking area closed to snowmobiles, use Kapka Butte or Wanoga

Wanoga Snow Play: Open; 20-36 inches; good conditions; expect heavy use; pack out broken sleds and all trash; shelter is closed

Wanoga Snowmobile: Open; 20-36 inches; good conditions; area roads closed to highway vehicles through March 31, 2021

Newberry (Six Mile Sno-Park): Open; 6-10 inches; marginal conditions due to low snow.

Newberry (10 Mile Sno-Park): Open; 15-27 inches; good conditions; road beyond park closed to vehicles for the season

Three Creek Sno-Park (Lower): Open; 6-10 inches; marginal conditions due to low snow

Three Creek Sno-Park (Upper): Open; 8-12 inches; marginal conditions due to low snow; Forest Service Road 16 may not be plowed immediately after a storm

Walt Haring Sno-Park: 6-12 inches; marginal conditions due to low snow

Ochoco National Forest:

Bandit Springs Sno-Park: Open

Mark’s Creek Sno-Park: Open

Ochoco Divide Sno-Park: Open

Walton Sno-Park: Open

Willamette National Forest

Gold Lake Sno-Park: Open

Ikenick Sno-Park: Open

Little Nash Sno-Park: Open

Maxwell Sno-Park: Open; Mountain View and South Maxwell shelters are closed

Potato Hill Sno-Park: Open

Ray Benson Sno-Park: Open

Salt Creek Sno-Park: Open

Santiam Sno-Park: Open

Waldo Lake Sno-Park: Open


Ochoco National Forest and Crooked River National Grassland

Haystack West Shore Campground and Day Use Area: Open

Mud Springs Horse Camp: Open

Whistler Campground: Open

White Rock Campground: Open

BLM — Prineville District

Barr Road North Staging Area: Open

Big Bend Campground: Open

Buckhorn Staging Area: Open

Castle Rock Campground: Open

Chimney Rock Campground: Open

Cobble Rock Campground: Open

Lone Pine Campground: Open

Macks Canyon Recreation Site: Open

Palisades Campground: Open

Post Pile Campground: Open

Steelhead Falls: Open; no potable water

Stillwater Campground: Open


Fatbike and winter trails:

Ben’s-MTB-Kent’s: Muddy

Maston, Wanoga — 3 PSI, Wanoga — Outer Loop: Rideable snow

All other trials riding well

Prineville and Ochoco trails

Independent Mine, Lookout Mountain, Round Mountain: Deep snow; deadfall reported

New reports needed for other trails

Maston complex

Rideable snow

Redmond trails

Cole Loop, Gray Butte, River, Summit: Muddy

All other trails reporting riding well, but may be snow covered due to recent storms

Madras East Trails

Peek A Boo — Berm Mountain: Muddy

All other trails riding well


Updated at 8 a.m. Jan. 28

Lower Deschutes (Pelton Dam to Columbia River): 5,060 cfs; redband trout, steelhead, whitefish; trout will continue to be less active through the winter but can be caught on something slow and tasty, steelhead numbers will slow down this month but can be found on warmer days; Chinook season is closed

Middle Deschutes (Benham Falls to Lake Billy Chinook): 4,350 cfs; brown trout, rainbow trout; water is higher and clarity is good with decent trout fishing; open year-round for trout, artificial flies and lures only; no limit on brown trout

Crooked River (below Opal Springs): 1,321 cfs; rainbow trout and mountain whitefish; only fish downstream of Bowman Dam to Lake Billy Chinook; whitefish should be spawning and anglers have good success fishing egg patterns; bull trout must be released unharmed and reported to the USFW at

Metolius River: 1,440 cfs; bull trout, rainbow trout; consistent fishing reported; fly fishing only upstream of Bridge 99, artificial lures and flies permitted below; catch and release only; public access to Wizard Falls Hatchery remains closed; river is closed to fishing above Allingham Bridge until May 22, 2021

McKenzie River (at Clear Lake): 462 cfs

McKenzie River (near Belknap Springs): 981 cfs; rainbow and coastal cutthroat trout; current hatches — blue winged olive, midge, sculpin; river access may be limited due to the Holiday Farm Fire.

Prineville Reservoir: 34% full; rainbow trout, small and largemouth bass, catfish, crappie, crayfish; trout fishing has been fair, good for warm weather species

Ochoco Reservoir: 14% full; rainbow trout, black crappie, smallmouth bass; trout fishing should start increasing with lower temperatures; ramp still likely unusable due to low water levels

Haystack Reservoir: 83% full; rainbow and brown trout, kokanee, largemouth bass, black crappie, bluegill and bullhead catfish; reservoir is back to winter levels, boat ramp is closed for the season, Northshore pier parking lot is still open.

Lake Billy Chinook: Bull, brown and rainbow trout, kokanee, smallmouth bass; Metolius arm is closed until spring, no recent reports for rest of lake

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