Computer users, VFW, Kiwanis, Rotary meet



The Bella Vista Computer Club will meet at 7 p.m. Jan. 10. The discussion will be on using Libre Office Impress for presentations.

There is a help clinic scheduled from 9 a.m. to noon Jan. 19, and the class, “Computer Security for Regular People: Part 1” will be held from 4 to 6 p.m. Jan. 26.



VFW Post 2952 and its Auxiliary of Springdale and Fayetteville will meet at 7 p.m. Jan. 13 at St. Thomas Episcopal Church, 2898 S. 48th St. in Springdale. At this meeting, the club will present their Teacher of the Year Award. There will be a meal before the meeting at 6 p.m.

Information: (479) 601-5539.


The Rogers Breakfast Kiwanis Club, along with members of the League of United American Citizens from Rogers High School, rang the bells at the Salvation Army kettles from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m. the first Saturday in December in front of the doors of the Walmart Supercenter on Walnut in Rogers. More than $500 was raised during that period.

Information: (479) 531-7069.


The Rotary Club of Fayetteville will meet at 11:45 a.m. Jan. 13 in person at Mermaids Restaurant in Fayetteville. The program will be hosted by Mike Neighbors, UA women’s basketball head coach. Lunch is $15.

There will also be a live Zoom from the meeting if you do not feel comfortable coming in person. Email the club for a link to the meeting if interested in the Zoom option.

Information: Email


All activities of Perfect Harmony Women’s Barbershop Chorus are on hold until further notice. Practices in January are canceled and will be rescheduled for a later time. This is being done due to the current environment with the coronavirus and its variants.

Information: Email


Sugar Creek Astronomical Society’s next regular meeting will be Jan. 11. Monthly club meetings are held the second Tuesday each month at the Waterway Christian Church in Bentonville. An “Astronomy Fundamentals” class starts at 6:30 p.m. followed by the general meeting at 7 p.m. Meetings feature a speaker, constellation of the month and an astro fundamentals video. There will be viewing afterwards, weather permitting. All ages are welcome.

Currently Sugar Creek Astronomical Society has one impromptu Star Party group in Bella Vista, the original Old Timers group. They meet whenever the weather is clear for some good night viewing. The next major Star Party will be at George Washington Carver Monument Park, near Diamond, Mo., on Jan. 29.

Sugar Creek Astronomical Society was founded in Bella Vista and currently serves amateur astronomers and their families from southern Missouri to Fayetteville.

Information: President Bill Murphy at (479) 855-7180.

Fly Tyers

The Bella Vista Fly Tyers Club meets at 9 a.m. every Thursday at Riordan Hall in Bella Vista for a social hour, followed by a meeting from 10 to 11 a.m.

The club is a fishing, conservation and service group consisting of approximately 110 members. This group of men and women share a common interest in fishing (both warm- and cold-water species found in the local streams and lakes of Bella Vista). The club also promotes lake conservation, recreational activities, and conducts service projects throughout Northwest Arkansas.


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