Clubs & organizations | Winchester Star


Winchester Host Lions Club

The club will meet at 12:15 p.m. today at the Winchester Moose Lodge. If you would like to join the meeting, please send an email to

Kiwanis Club of Winchester

The group meets every Wednesday at noon at the Winchester Moose Lodge, 213 E. Cork St. Lunch is served. This week’s guest speaker is Jason Greenspan with the National Alzheimer’s Association. Call Jeff at 540-247-9243 for information.

Trout Unlimited

The Winchester chapter of Trout Unlimited has partnered with Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing Inc. PHW is dedicated to the physical and emotional rehabilitation of disabled active military service personnel and disabled veterans through fly fishing and associated activities. The next Winchester PHW meeting is at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday in Rachel’s Kitchen, Shenandoah Lodge, 180 Bald Eagle Drive, Lake Frederick. Preregistration is required. Call Wayne at 703-919-2952.

Glen Burnie Garden Club

The club will meet at noon Thursday at Blandy Experimental Farm. Carolyn Frye and Karen Lynch will be the hostesses. The theme for the meeting is Pollinator Garden. The speaker for the meeting is Carrie Whitacre, assistant curator of the Herbaceous Gardens. The exhibit theme is “Wedding White” and the design type is American Traditional Line (HB: page 71 BA). Committee 4 will judge.

Winchester-Frederick County Democratic Committee

The committee’s quarterly meeting will be held from noon-3 p.m. Saturday at the Rotary Pavilion in Jim Barnett Park. Food and refreshments will be provided.

Godfrey Miller Center lecture series

Scott King, a professor of psyschology at Shenandoah University with a doctorate in social psychology, will give a lecture at 7 p.m. today at the Godfrey Miller Center, 28 S. Loudoun St., Winchester, on “Mascot and/or Matriarch? Social Media Portrayals of Sister Jean Schmidt.” At 7 p.m. June 28, SU Professor Jonathan Noyalas will present “Still Marching On: The Shenandoah Valley’s African Americans in the Civil War’s Aftermath.” The lecture series is sponsored, in part, with support from Shenandoah Valley Westminster-Canterbury. Cost to attend a lecture: $10. Information: 540-667-5869 or

Embroiderers Guild

The Winchester chapter of the Embroiderers Guild of America meets on the first Thursday of the month at 1 p.m. at the Clarke County Recreation Center. For more information, email or call 703-946-0191. Also, in cooperation with the Godfrey Miller Center in Winchester, the guild is launching a new community program, “Second Sunday Stitch-In,” for anyone who loves stitching and wants to learn the ins and outs of embroidery. No registration required. The program will be held on the second Sunday of the month from 2-4 p.m. at the Godfrey Miller Center, 28 S. Loudoun St., Winchester.

Walk with a Doc

The Winchester chapter of Walk With a Doc will have its next walk from 9-10 a.m. June 25. Meet at the Valley Health Wellness and Fitness Center lobby. The event is free to attend. Hear a brief talk “Kidney Health for All” by Dr. Donna Michel, followed by an enjoyable walk with the group at your own pace and distance. The walk is held outdoors. Arrive 15-20 minutes early to check in. In the event of inclement weather, contact the center at 540-536-3000 or check their Facebook page for cancellation updates. For more information, email

NW Works Disability Community Connection

The Disability Community Connection is a free quarterly meeting for individuals with disabilities and their family members to come together, connect over shared experiences, and learn about local disability resources. All are welcome; you do not need to receive services through NW Works to attend. The meeting will be on June 29 from noon-2p.m. at 3085 Shawnee Drive, Winchester. RSVP to

Holiday bus trip

Chapter 180 National Active & Retired Federal Employees will sponsor a community bus trip to the Riverside Center for the Performing Arts in Fredericksburg on Nov. 30 for dinner and a holiday show. The cost for transportation, dinner and show is $121, due no later than Oct. 16. For information and reservations, call Mary at 540-869-7656. Any proceeds from the trip will be donated to Alzheimer’s research.

YDC seeking volunteers

The Youth Development Center’s Adventures Beyond program is seeking volunteers to serve youth with disabilities in the community. These twice-a-week volunteer opportunities are offered on Tuesdays from 5-7 p.m. and Saturdays from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Pre-volunteer interview and training required. Email Maribeth Stotler-Watkins at if interested.

TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly)

TOPS, a nonprofit weight-loss support group headquartered in Milwaukee, Wis., has three chapters meeting each week in the Winchester area. Fees to join are modest. For information, visit or contact any of the leaders below:

Mondays from 6 to 7 p.m. at Bethel Lutheran Church, 2077 N. Frederick Pike. Call Joan Derosier at 540-550-3897.

Wednesdays from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Kernstown United Methodist Church, 3239 Valley Pike. Call Helen Reitan at 540-550-0744.

Thursdays from 9 to 10:30 a.m. at Kernstown United Methodist Church, 3239 Valley Pike. Email Joyce Steele at

Salvation Army

The Winchester Salvation Army is seeking volunteers. Help is needed with meal preparation and serving meals. These items are also needed: bath towels, wash cloths, dish towels, laundry detergent, dish soap, paper towels, napkins, coffee, bottled water. Contact Tracy Hines at 540-662-4777 ext. 18 or email or Deb Moody at ext. 19 or


DivorceCare is a divorce (or separation) recovery support group. The women’s group will meet at Fellowship Bible Church each Thursday at 6:30 p.m. Children’s program DivorceCare4Kids is also available for 5-12 year olds. The church is located at 3217 Middle Road, Winchester. DivorceCare features nationally recognized experts on divorce and recovery topics. Meeting sessions are presented from a Biblical perspective and include “Facing My Anger,” “Facing My Loneliness,” “Family & Friends,” “Financial & Legal Issues” and more. For more information and to register, go to or call the church at 540 662-7743.

Winchester Newcomers Club

We are a social organization for women who are new to the area or would like to make new friends through a variety of social activities and general meetings featuring community speakers. For contact information and activity schedules, visit

Quota International of Winchester

Quota International of Winchester is a 501©3 civic organization assisting disadvantaged women and children and the hearing impaired in Winchester and Frederick County. We are looking for like-minded women who are interested in becoming members and helping our community. For more information, please call Ginny at 540-931-8832.


CCAP of Winchester is in need of the following items:

Individual baby wipes packs, larger size diapers (4, 5 and 6); men’s jeans, pants, sweatshirts, sweatpants, belts, T-shirts, short-sleeved shirts; women’s spring clothes of all sizes, especially small, medium and large; children’s spring clothing (size 2T through teen sizes), pajamas, new underwear, socks; tennis shoes (all sizes and genders); shoes and lightweight jackets; gently used bath towels and bedding; tents and sleeping bags. The Red Wagon Ministry is in need of disposable adult underwear and incontinence pads. For additional information call CCAP at 540-662-4318 or contact

Donations may be dropped off Monday-Friday between the hours of 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. at 112 S. Kent St., Winchester. For more information, call 540-662-4318 or email

Donate rehabilitation equipment

The Northern Shenandoah Valley Chapter of F.R.E.E. (Foundation for Rehabilitation Equipment & Endowment) is requesting donations of gently used medical equipment to assist local residents in need. Items most requested are wheelchairs, transport chairs, tub transfer benches, rollators and bed rails. Donations may be dropped off at 333 W. Cork St., Lower Lobby, Suite 40, in Winchester. For more information, call 540-664-7552, e-mail us at or view our website at F.R.E.E. is a 501©(3) organization and donations are tax deductible at their present fair market value.

Froggy’s ClosetFroggy’s Closet, a project of Families Reaching Out Group, which provides clothing, shoes, toys and more for free to foster children and at-risk children, is currently in need of spring/summer boys’ clothing in all sizes from 2T to 16. Volunteers also needed to primarily sort clothing and match outfits. Froggy’s Closet is located at 200 N. Braddock St., Winchester. Hours: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday. Call 540-773-4192.

Disabled American VeteransD.A.V. meets the first Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at the Cherry-Beasley Readiness Center, 181 Pendleton Drive, Winchester. Questions? Contact Leroy Lovett at 540-533-7737.


American Veterans (AMVETS) Post 18 meets the third Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Post Home, 851 Green St., Stephens City. All current members and active duty, reserve, and national guard personnel and veterans who have served honorably are welcome to attend.

VFW Post 9760

Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9760 and its auxiliary meet the first Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Post Home at 425 S. Buckmarsh St., Berryville. All members are encouraged to attend. Persons interested in joining are invited and requested to bring proof of honorable military service.

Veterans breakfast

Veterans are invited to join a breakfast meeting at 8:15 a.m. the first Saturday of each month at the Golden Corral Restaurant in Winchester. The group is headed by local pastor Paul Campbell. After breakfast, each veteran presents his military experiences to the group. Cost is $7 for all-you-can eat breakfast. Please wear a baseball cap representing your military service or organization. Questions? Josh Morimoto at 703-967-8679 or

Vietnam Veterans of America

The group meets monthly on the third Thursday at the Edinburg VFW. Lunch from 11:15 a.m.-noon, followed by a meeting from noon-1 p.m. Contact: Ronnie Zerkel, 540-333-5805.

Stamp Club

The Shenandoah Valley Stamp Club meets the 4th Tuesday of each month except December and invites stamp collectors of all ages. For more information contact Cal Allen at

Shenandoah Valley Amateur Radio Club

The Shenandoah Valley Amateur Radio Club meets at 7:30 p.m. on the first and third Thursday of each month at the clubhouse at 2921 Grace St., Winchester. After a short business meeting, an interesting and informative program usually follows. Program topics can be found on the club’s website at Guests are welcome to attend to learn more about amateur radio and joining the club.

Ask a Master Gardener

Homeowners who have questions regarding their lawn, landscape, or vegetable gardens can get their questions answered by an Extension Master Gardener on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to noon. Bring your questions and/or plant samples to the Virginia Cooperative Extension-Frederick County Office at 107 N. Kent St., Winchester. Or call 540-665-5699 or email

Spay Today

Spay Today is the area’s non-profit, reduced-priced spay and neuter program. Choose from many vets through a wide area. At the time of surgery, initial shots and tests can also be obtained at lower rates. Contact Spay Today: or call 304-728-8330.

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