Chota Outdoor Gear Releases The Cloak Wading Shoe Cover


CHARLESTON, Tenn. – Chota® Outdoor Gear is moving forward with its commitment of continuing to provide a new generation of products to the outdoor gear industry with the launch of The Cloak™. The Cloak™ is a shoe cover designed to transform any shoe, sandal, or boot into a felt-soled wading shoe.

This fresh, innovative product features high-quality marine-grade hook and loop materials providing superior attachment of the felt-sole, Kevlar® reinforced toe, heels, and side panels, and heavy-duty anti-slip YKK® plastic zippers.

Lightweight and compact, The Cloak enables a seamless transition between activities such as hiking, paddling, drift boating, hunting, and fishing. This product is also suitable for adults and children, alike, as it provides a convenient, more cost-effective option for children whose feet are still growing.

To ensure the quality and durability of this innovative product, Chota enlisted a group of product testers across the nation.  One of these individuals, Mr. H.W. Leslie, an avid hiker and fly fisher, clocked over 100 hours in some of the most remote locations in the Smoky Mountains.

Mr. Leslie stated, “The Chota Cloaks have been a game changer for backwoods fly fishing. When I needed to turn my standard hiking boot into a functional wading boot, the Chota Cloaks superseded my expectations. If you’re looking for a lightweight, durable alternative- I’d go with the Cloak.”

The Cloak is currently available in grey with black accents ranging in sizes 5-15.

After 48 years, Chota Outdoor Gear remains committed to helping customers make the most of their time in the outdoors with innovative, durable, and comfortable gear. The Cloak is now available online at and in select retailers across the country.

About Chota® Outdoor Gear

Chota® Outdoor gear has been designing and distributing high quality outdoor gear to meet the real world challenges of outdoor enthusiasts since 1974. Personal experience has led the company to take on an innovative perspective to boots, hippies, and waders, making the brand respected and recognizable among the elite of the outdoor sporting world.  In 2019, Chota underwent a merger with Ranger Outdoors, LLC.  With this merger, Chota® now works with Angler Sport Group, Daiichi® Hooks, and Miss Mayfly®.

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