Chats with Champions to feature author D. Dauphinee


Skidompha Library’s Chats with Champions will feature author D. Dauphinee at 10 a.m., Monday, April 12. Dauphinee, author of “When You Find My Body, The Disappearance of Geraldine Largay on the Appalachian Trail,” relates the story of “Gerry” (AT trail name, Inchworm) who vanished in July, 2013 while hiking the Trail in remote western Maine. When she was not found, the people of Maine, the family, wardens, and Navy personnel who searched for her were devastated.  

The Maine Warden Service continued to follow leads for more than a year. They never completely gave up the search. Two years after Gerry’s disappearance, her bones and scattered possessions were found by chance by two surveyors.  She was located on the Navy’s SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Rescue) School land about 2,100 feet from the Appalachian Trail.

This book tells the story of events prior to her disappearance, what caused her to go astray, and the massive search and rescue operation that followed. Gerry’s disappearance sparked the largest lost-person search in Maine history, which culminated in her being presumed dead. She was never again seen alive.

Marrying the joys and hardships of life in the outdoors, as well as exploring the search and rescue community, this book examines dying with grace and dignity. There are lessons in this story, both large and small. Lessons that may well save lives in the future.

D. Dauphinee, a resident of Bradley, Maine, has been a mountaineering, fly fishing, and back-country guide for over 30 years; and has participated in several search and rescue operations. He has led many expeditions, including mountain, jungle, or desert treks on four continents. Twice he orienteered (without the benefit of a GPS) across the Isthmus of Panama, he has four first-ascents on mountains, has hiked the Negev Desert at its widest part, and has climbed above 20,000 feet 13 times.  

A former UPI photographer, he is now a full-time writer and has published books on fly fishing and travel.  He has also written numerous essays and articles about fly fishing, climbing, and life for many newspapers and magazines.

All those wishing to attend this online Chat through Zoom may visit to sign up.  Those attending will be emailed a link prior to the event.

Chats with Champions is a free community offering from the national award-winning Skidompha Library at 184 Main St., Damariscotta. For more information, please contact the library at 563-5513.


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