Celebration Of Women In Angling This Saturday


Fish & Game NZ chief executive Corina Jordan is
encouraging Kiwi women to get out on the water this Saturday
(September 9, 2022) and celebrate International Women’s
Fly Fishing Day.

This is the third year the event has
been held. It is growing globally as women from around the
world, and here in Aotearoa New Zealand, appreciate the
multitude of benefits associated with fly

Jordan, who was recently appointed Fish &
Game CEO (the first women to hold the position), says only
10 per cent of the 100,000 licensed freshwater anglers in
New Zealand are female.

“I want to see that
demographic change,” she says. “As an angler myself, I
understand the positive impact trout fishing can have on
your health and mental wellbeing. The act of casting a fly
line is very therapeutic.

“It is also incredibly
rewarding to be able to go out and harvest healthy
free-range food for your whanau. It’d be great for more
women to experience that.

“Throw into the mix the
stunning scenic rivers and lakes we have in New Zealand,
where you can readily find trout, and it is truly an
incredibly relaxing and rewarding pursuit.”

Around the
world, fly fishing is recognised for its rejuvenating

Casting for Recovery, a US initiative also
going in New Zealand, helps women with breast cancer receive
emotional, physical and social support through fly fishing.
In the US and UK, fly fishing programmes have been set up
for veterans following studies that show the pursuit helps
with recovery from injury as well as the mental and
emotional trauma many suffer after experiencing armed

Leigh Johnson, a keen fly angler, says
women’s lives have become increasingly stressful given the
challenges associated with juggling careers and

“Women need to give themselves time to
decompress and destress. When I was running my business in
Wellington it was an incredibly hectic period in my life. I
wish I had been introduced to fly fishing sooner, rather
than in my retirement, as it would certainly have helped me
unwind and recenter at a time when I needed

Johnson is actively engaged in passing on
the pursuit and what she’s learned from it to other women.
Supported by Fish & Game and the Kapiti Fly Fishing
Club, Women On The Fly (WOTF) is an initiative she helped
set up recently to bring female anglers together to support
each other and mentor new participants. They are holding
their first fly fishing workshop for women in late November,
in the Hutt Valley.

Meanwhile, both Leigh Johnson and
Corina Jordan encourage women to get out on a local waterway
this weekend.

“New Zealand has the greatest trout
fishing resource in the world, in really beautiful
locations. Most rivers and lakes in the country hold
excellent populations of fish, including, for the majority
of Kiwis, some easily accessible waterways very close to
home,” says Jordan.

“Those women who want to give it a
go can find a wealth of tips and helpful getting started
info on our website. All you need is a day licence and some
basic gear to enjoy this wonderful pursuit on International
Women’s Fly Fishing Day.”

– For more information
search ‘Kapiti Women On The Fly’ on Facebook, or visit
the Fish & Game website: www.fishandgame.org.nz.

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