Cabin Fever Reliever Show A Go This Weekend in Brewer


Cabin Fever: (cab-in fe-ver) – irritability, listlessness, and similar symptoms resulting from long confinement or isolation indoors during the winter.

Easy to get.

One day it’s 60. 2 days later Snowing and a High in the teens.

What to do?

The 2022 Cabin Fever Reliever Show is a go at Brewer Auditorium this weekend.

On Saturday the temperatures will be a little below normal for this time of year, on Sunday a little above normal. So it fits the theme.

Penobscot Fly Fishers fill the Brewer Auditorium with all things outdoors, with an emphasis on fly fishing.

Look for educational exhibits by dozens of outdoors experts and vendors.

And a lot of people walking around with big wide smiles on their faces in anticipation, like it’s Christmas Eve.

The event is free admission. And family friendly.

Nothing like Maine outdoors and the cure for cabin fever is literally just steps away. And this weekend is a good start.

The event is Saturday between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. And on Sunday from 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Penobscot Fly Fishers is a Fly Fishing non profit organization. They hold monthly meetings with classes, clinics and of course fishing.

15 Must-Have Items For Ice Fishing Season In Maine

Ice fishing is an excellent way to embrace the cold winter months in Maine. It will get you outdoors for some fresh air, it’s family friendly, and a successful day could yield a tasty dinner. If you’re new to the sport, we put together a list of gear you’ll need for a fun, comfortable, and successful day on the ice. Some of these items are more essential than others. Some gear may not be essential at all, depending on how you plan to fish. Again, the items we listed are geared towards those who are new to ice fishing.

Before we get to the list, remember to dress appropriately for the cold weather. We didn’t put warm outerwear on the list, but it’s definitely a must-have. Dressing in layers is important to ensure you’re warm enough throughout the day on the ice. If you start getting too warm, you can simply take a layer off. Hand warmers are also worth packing.

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