Bill Hilts Jr.: What will 2022 hold for outdoors enthusiasts? | Outdoors


In the coldwater fish community, large lake trout (some weighing more than 22 pounds) continue to be a highlight for Erie anglers. If you are looking for trophy-size lake trout of more than 10 pounds on a regular basis, this is as good a spot as any with a focus on the waters from Barcelona to Dunkirk. However, another positive note was a bit of a surprise. Lake whitefish populations are increasing. One fish that was netted and captured was larger than 11 pounds, bigger than the existing state record by more than one-half pound.

Overall, Lake Erie is still an amazing resource for walleye, perch and bass. When DEC’s final report for 2021 comes out, it will probably show that angling effort was down in the main lake based on the creel census conducted annually. It should be on the rise. Education is one of the keys to turn that around.

One way to do that is through the Greater Niagara Fishing and Outdoor Expo, the “Teaching Fishing” Show to be held at the Conference and Event Center Niagara Falls Feb. 17-20. In 2020, the last year the show was held, more than 200 seminars were held on a wide variety of angling topics and techniques. For 2022, even more are on the list. One of the best salmon schools in the Great Lakes that is scheduled for Feb. 19 is already sold out and the new walleye school is halfway there. There is more of an emphasis on fly fishing, a super kids clinic to teach junior fishermen and their parents how to get started on Sunday (you must preregister), and beginner classes for kayak fishing, walleye, salmon, bass and more.

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