Applicants sought for 2022 Trout Camp


ELLSWORTH — Learning about sustainability, climate change and conservation leadership, as well as gaining understanding about native fish in Maine, are the fundamental goals of Maine Trout Unlimited’s Maine Trout Camp.

Trout Camp is built on a model of other successful Trout Unlimited youth programs around the country. Maine TU Trout Camp is dedicated to educating youth about our cold-water fisheries. The mission is to build tomorrow’s conservation leaders, giving teens a solid foundation in conservation, entomology and biology, while keeping it fun and interesting with fly fishing.

Evergreens Campground in Solon will host the camp from June 19 through 24. Located 30 miles north of Interstate 95 in Solon, the campground is reached easily and provides rustic cabins to provide a true Maine camp experience while offering the comforts of home. Evergreens Campground offers great meals, a spacious area for indoor classes and easy access to the Kennebec River for fly fishing and conservation studies. Equipment will be provided as needed. There will be no student access to Wi-Fi or cell service.

The camp is for students age 13-17 who are interested in learning more about fly fishing, fly tying, resource sustainability, effects of climate change, the importance of native fish and how they can become leaders in these vital areas.

Prospective candidates should complete the application and return it to Mike Elkavitch, education coordinator for Downeast Trout Unlimited. Please answer the seven questions in short sentences, an essay or video at your discretion by April 1. A reference letter from someone familiar with you personally such as a teacher, counselor or other group leader is also requested. Two campers will be selected from the Downeast chapter’s region. The cost for tuition, room and board is $600. Partial financial sponsorship may be available. If selected, families are responsible for travel to and from the camp. Do not send payment until your acceptance is confirmed for attending the camp.

For applications and more information, contact Elkavitch at 483-8014 or [email protected].

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