Apple Creek Legion schedules still shoots


Trout Unlimited meeting

The Clear Fork River Chapter of Trout Unlimited will meet 7:15 p.m. Monday, Nov. 8, First Presbyterian Church, 621 College Ave.,  Wooster. In addition to meeting in-person, for which masks are requested, people may join via Zoom. To join remotely send an email message to Indicate participation in the Nov. 8 meeting. Include name and email address. A return email with an invitation to the meeting will include a link. Those who attended meetings by Zoom last spring, but have not attended this fall, must send the email request to continue using Zoom.

There will be a discussion of chapter activities and a raffle of fly fishing equipment. Bill Zawiski, environmental supervisor, Division of Surface Water, Ohio EPA Northeast District, will give a presentation titled “Dam Removal: Improving water quality in Ohio one dam project after another.” Zawiski has worked with Ohio EPA since 1989, and is the water quality group supervisor in Ohio EPA’s Northeast District. He has taught environmental regulation and water resources at the University of Akron.

The OEPA Division of Surface Water ensures compliance with the Federal Clean Water Act and works to increase the number of bodies of water that can be safely used for swimming and fishing. Bill has taken an active role in the removal of old dams from Ohio rivers to improve water quality and restore rivers to a free-flowing state. Zawiski said dams and the slow-moving pools they create are a serious problem for fish and the aquatic insects they feed on. He will discuss the concepts and methods of removing old dams, and the benefits that dam removal can bring to stream ecology and fisheries.

Details of this and future TU meetings, plus other chapter activities and local fishing reports, can be found at Meetings of the Clear Fork River Chapter of Trout Unlimited are open to the public, and anyone interested in fishing and cold water fisheries preservation is encouraged to participate. Interested women anglers are especially invited to attend.

Mobility impaired deer hunt

The Wayne County Izaak Walton League is sponsoring a mobility impaired (wheelchair) deer hunt. This hunt allows permanently or temporarily disabled hunters an opportunity to hunt during the deer gun season 2021. Hunting experience is not required, but a valid hunting license and deer permit are required of each hunter. The hunt location is 6928 Cedar Valley Road, West Salem.

The hunt is scheduled for Monday, Nov. 29, and will run as many days as needed to give each participating hunter two days in the deer blind. Wheelchair accessible carts are available to transport hunters and four covered blinds to hunt from. The application deadline is Nov. 13. There will be a hunter orientation at 1 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 21. The orientation will allow hunters to view the blinds and become familiar with the club grounds before their time to hunt. Call Roger Schrader at 330-263-6432 for an application.

Apple Creek Legion still shoots

Apple Creek American Legion Post 147, 8498 Hackett Road, will hold still shoots on Sundays, Nov. 14 and 28 and Dec. 12. Breakfast begins at 10 a.m., registration at 10:30 a.m. and shoots at noon.

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