ALL programs: Leadership, equity, photography, Smart911, local takeout | News, Sports, Jobs


ALPENA ­– Programs from the Association of Lifelong Learners for Jan. 19-22 include a leadership book review, equity in education, camera club, Smart911, and sampling local takeout meals from area restaurants.

Currently all programs are via Zoom livestream only. These programs are open to the public. Just send an email to to receive Zoom connection information. Feel free to share this list with your friends, relatives and other organizations.

Programs for the next week are detailed below.

Tuesday morning

Tune in at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday for “”Leadership in Turbulent Times” by Doris Kearns Goodwin — A Book Review.”

This will be a discussion of the book “Leadership in Turbulent Times” by Doris Kearns Goodwin that explores leadership qualities of presidents — A. Lincoln, T. Roosevelt, F. Roosevelt and L. Johnson. Included will be early signs of leadership, how they dealt with adversity, how they enlarged the opportunities and lives of others.

Presenter Ron Young is a member of the ALL board and enjoys fly fishing, bridge and reading.

Tuesday evening

At 7 p.m. on Tuesday will be “A Conversation on Equity With Educational Leaders.”

This program will be available on Zoom and Facebook Live on the Association of Lifelong Learners and League of Women Voter for Northeast Michigan’s Facebook pages.

Join us as the League of Women Voters of Northeast Michigan partners with the Association of Lifelong Learners for a conversation with local superintendents and educators on issues of racial justice, diversity, equity and inclusion. Questions may be submitted in advance to Dr. Lisa Hilberg, moderator, at (If time permits, there will be a brief conversation about COVID updates in relation to our schools at the end.)


Join a fun group at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday for “Focus on Fun Camera Club.”

Picture an informal monthly meeting where you share the joy of photography. From beginning photographers to experts, members have widely varying degrees of photographic expertise and experience and are willing to share their knowledge. Each month a photographic topic is chosen and the fun begins. You will be welcomed. This month is Holiday Images.


At 11 a.m. on Thursday, learn about “Smart911 — How To Make Work For You!”

Smart911 is a public service available in most of northern Michigan. If you dial 911 from a phone listed in the service the first responders, EMS, fire department and police personnel will have access to the information you provide prior to them arriving. You can ad your photo, photo of your dwelling, methods to enter your residence, emergency contact information, significant medical conditions and much, much more. We will walk you through how to setup an account and what to expect in the process. You can do it yourself or have someone assist you. This is a very valuable service that does not take a lot of effort to set up.

Andy Marceau is the Community Risk Reduction Captain with the City of Alpena Fire Department. He has been with the city for 22 years and has been in this new role just over a year. Marceau loves being out in the community, talking to groups and hopefully making our community safer.

Dick Bremer is a retired electronics engineer with a number of years experience with computers and systems. He has set up Smart911 accounts for relatives and himself. He believes the Smart911 system is a necessity for everyone in today’s complex world. Minutes, seconds and information count when you call 911.


Join the discussion at 1 p.m. on Friday about “The Best Local Take-Out Meal.”

Try a take-out meal between Jan. 6 and 20 and plan or write a short review. Then on Jan. 22 via Zoom, everyone will give a short critique on their experience. When all have spoken about our meal we will do a verbal vote. Give a 2 for “I want to try that” or a 1 if “no way Jose.” The votes will be tallied and a pandemic winner will be announced.

This program will be moderated by Sue Nagy.


ALL Pickleball is playing at the APlex (Mask Required). Playing from: 9AM-11AM, MWF. Call our Office, 989-358-7207 for details.

Catch up on what you missed

Many of our Programs are recorded so you can view later. To see the entire collection search for the Association of Lifelong Learners at Alpena Community College YouTube Channel.

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