North Country Angling: Old Timer and Troutman talk opening day | Fishing


The grill and dishes cleaned and put away, the Old Timer and Troutman headed to the front porch of the cabin to watch the sunset. Tomorrow was opening day for designated trout ponds and the two had plans to be on the water one hour before sunrise.

In years past, they would share a bowl of tobacco and a whiskey on the rocks as they slowly moved the rocking chairs on the porch. But since the Old Timer’s heart attack, tobacco and whiskey were forbidden.

Troutman honored this decision and joined the Old Timer with cranberry juice over ice and a lime. Troutman handed the Old Timer a glass and sat down to join him.

It was silent for a moment as the two watched the sun disappear behind the mountain and the spring peepers began their chorus. Somewhere a woodcock whistled, calling to its mate. Spring had arrived early this year.

“Glad the ice went out early this year,” said Troutman. “The fish should be a little more active than they were last year.”

The Old Timer cracked a smile. Memories of freezing cold opening day mornings danced in his head. This year was going to be the exception to the rule.

“Did you tie up my usual for tomorrow?” said the Old Timer. “Just because we have an early spring doesn’t mean that the fish will be looking for anything different than the usual.”

Troutman reached into his back pocket. Every winter he tied the flies for Opening Day. One box for the Old Timer and one box for himself.

“I tied you plenty of white marabou streamers,” said Troutman. “Tied them in a variety of sizes, as well. I know you have loved that fly since you found out that Ted Trueblood put it in his top 10 flies.”

“I added some Little Brook Trout Bucktails and some Pink Lady Bucktails to the box,” said Troutman. “You need to change things up a little.”

Troutman handed the fly box to the Old Timer. The Old Timer looked forward to seeing the flies Troutman had tied. Troutman included some Royal Coachman wet flies in the Old Timer’s box as a surprise.

“Royal Coachmans,” exclaimed the Old Timer. “That’s the first fly you used when you decided to put down the spin rod and pick up the fly rod on Opening Day many years ago.”

A lump formed in the Old Timer’s throat. Troutman had been the Old Timer’s fishing buddy since Troutman was 6 years old.

“I’ll never forget that day,” said Troutman. “Everyone at the river was slinging worms and catching nothing. When I asked for my fly rod, you handed it to me ready to fish.”

The Old Timer knew that young Troutman would want to fly fish on that Opening Day. He had seen his son take to the sport and knew that he would not be spin fishing much longer.

“You caught the biggest brook trout that day on the Royal Coachman. A nice holdover of about 11 inches. Everyone on the stream paused and watched in amazement as you landed and released that fish. Your conversion to fly angler took place that day.”

The Old Timer had a tear in his eye.

“Thanks for taking me under your wing and believing in me,” said Troutman, a lump forming in his throat as well. Opening Day meant so much to him and his Dad. “Let’s hit the sack. We have fish to catch tomorrow.”

April 24 is Opening Day for designated trout ponds and the busiest fishing day on the water each year. Please remember to allow ample space for your fellow anglers whether you are shore fishing, float tubing or boating.

Steve Angers, a native to the Conway area, is the author of the book “Fly Fishing New Hampshire’s Secret Waters” and operates the North Country Angler.

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