ALL programs: Stimulus, ‘Bully Pulpit,’ Moveable Feast, and more | News, Sports, Jobs


ALPENA — Next week’s programs from the Association of Lifelong Learners have been announced.

Currently, most programs are via Zoom livestream. These programs are open to the public. Just send an email to to receive Zoom connection information. Feel free to share this list with your friends, relatives and other organizations.

Monday: ALICE

ALICE and the $1.9 Trillion Stimulus presentation will be at 10 a.m. on Monday, in person and on Zoom, presented by Joe Gentry.

Six years ago the Michigan Association of United Ways released it first ALICE Report that was supported by Consumers Energy Foundation. Through its first ALICE Report, Michigan policymakers, journalists, business leaders and charitable organizations have begun to put a finger on the pulse of the needs of Michiganders. ALICE stands for Asset Limited Income Constrained, Employed. It’s a complex term that identifies the disparity on the balance sheet of Michigan households and is a strong indication of the issues that plague many hardworking Michigan families. ALICE has an income above the Federal Poverty Level (FPL), but struggles to afford basic household necessities.

The Michigan Association of United Ways, along with Governor Whitmer and other state leaders announced findings from the 2021 ALICE Report on March 23. The report includes enhanced methodology, including new sources for more households’ specific data, to adjust to the reality of changing needs.

Gentry is the executive director for United Way of Northeast Michigan in Alpena. Among many of his volunteer activities, he serves as a trustee at Alpena Community College.

Tuesday: “The Bully Pulpit”

At 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Zoom in for “The Bully Pulpit: Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft and the Golden Age of Journalism”

A review of author Doris Kearns Goodwin’s 2014 discussion with the Library of Congress on her book “The Bully Pulpit: Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft and the Golden Age of Journalism.” “The Bully Pulpit” covers a portion of the progressive era of 1896 to 1916 and efforts of progressive Republicans Teddy Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and some media giants to reign in the excesses of the gilded era.

Ron Young is a retired county highway engineer. He enjoys travel, fly fishing, bridge, outdoor activities and reading for pleasure and understanding. He also serves on the ALL Board of Directors.

Wednesday: Bridge

At 10 a.m. on Wednesday, learn or refresh your bridge game.

Interested in learning bridge or refreshing memories from playing bridge long ago? This is the group for you. You might ask “Why should I learn to play bridge?” Here are some answers: Bridge offers intellectual and social stimulation on a routine basis. An area in the brain used in playing bridge stimulates the immune system. Playing bridge can help older people retain their mental sharpness. And the ALL Friday bridge players are in need of some new participants.

Wednesday: Moveable Feast

Moveable Feast is back, meeting at noon on Wednesday at Mango’s, 121 W. Chisholm St. in downtown Alpena.

Won’t you join ALL at Mango’s as they celebrate the opportunity to once again gather together. It will be good to see old friends in person and maybe there will be someone there who could become a new friend. Please call the ALL office at 989-358-7207 to make a reservation.

Wednesday: Black Bears

Michigan’s Amazing Black Bears will be offered via Zoom only at 2 p.m. on Wednesday.

This program will speak to the biology of Michigan black bears and the DNR’s bear management program.

Mark Boersen has worked for the Michigan DNR for nearly 18 years and has worked with bears for 24 years.

He holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in Wildlife Management and has also worked in Tennessee and Louisiana.

Friday: Chair Yoga

Chair Yoga, in person and via Zoom, will be at 2 p.m. on Friday.

Chair Yoga is for everyone. Students are encouraged to find their own level of challenge which is unique to them. Everyone has his or her own level of body fitness and it is within this level of fitness that students are encouraged to practice. You can expect to practice yogic breathing, stretching, strengthening and balance. Mia has taught chair yoga class for people in their 50s, right up to those living beyond their 100th birthdays. All you need is a straight-back chair without arms (a folding chair works great) and loose clothing. You can wear shoes; but it is advisable to practice in socks or better yet, bare feet.

Mia Toneguzzi Hauff has been practicing yoga for 11 years and fell in love with how it made her feel. Mia said, “Three years ago I had the opportunity to become a certified yoga instructor which has afforded me the privilege of guiding others in their yoga practice. I personally have my own morning yoga routine that I practice each day to start my day well. This allows me to engage with others with an open, calm mind and a strong, limber body.”

ALL YouTube channel

To enjoy over 70+ recorded programs, go to YouTube and type in the search area: Association of Lifelong Learners at Alpena Community College.

Here are the topics of ALL’s latest videos.

¯ “Thunder Bay Arts Council Virtual Art Gallery Tour”

¯ “Nutrition and Chronic Diseases”

¯ “Electricity Generation By Nuclear Power”

¯ “The Changing Face of Northeast Michigan”

¯ “Bagley Street Bridge Project” with Ryan Brege and Ron Young

¯ “Pivot” with Kimberly Schultz and Janelle Mott

¯ “Meet ‘Nether’ — Artist and Mural Painter” with Justin Nethercut

¯ “Challenges and Fun of Taking Pictures” with Mark Hansen and Judy Hompstead

¯ “Smart911 — How To Make It Work For You!” with Andy Marceau and Dick Bremer

¯ “A Virtual Tour of Artist’s Metal Sculptures” with Ann Gildner

¯ “Hummingbirds Of The Great Lakes Region” A Straits Audubon Society Program

¯ “Michigan’s Native Americans”


ALL Pickleball is playing at the APlex (mask required), from 9 to 11 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

For more information about any of these programs, contact the Association of Lifelong Learners office at 989-358-7207.

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