Trout Unlimited Tiadaghton virtual meeting features fly tying demo, stocking schedules | Life


Wellsboro, Pa. – At 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 2, Trout Unlimited Tiadaghton Chapter #688 based in Wellsboro is meeting via Zoom. Officers, members, and the public are invited to attend.

This Zoom meeting will open with Vice President Art Antal demonstrating how to tie a Split Wing Caddis Fly.

Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission Waterways Conservation Officer Chad Lauer will then share information about Tioga and Potter County trout stocking schedules, which are already underway, and how to become a pre-approved volunteer. He will also provide information about upcoming community fishing events and localized Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission regulatory changes and proposals. There will also be a question and answer session.

The trout season is currently closed in Pennsylvania. All special regulation trout waters are open to fishing on a catch and release basis during the closed season. The mentored youth fishing season will open on Saturday, March 27 and the statewide trout opener will be on Saturday, April 3.

Discussion will follow about a project in the Long Run Watershed. The local TU chapter, in cooperation with the Tioga County Conservation District, recently applied for a Coldwater Heritage Partnership grant for a chop and drop habitat project on a 1.6-mile section of Blue Run, a tributary of Long Run. The Conservation District had successfully applied for a grant to do a habitat project on Long Run. That work has been completed. The chapter’s goal is to get the watershed classified as Class A Wild Trout Waters. Those are waters that support a population of naturally produced trout of sufficient size and abundance for a long-term and rewarding sport fishery.

TU Chapter #688 will be participating in Pennsylvania’s Chesapeake Bay Phase 3 Watershed Implementation Plan (Phase 3 WIP), according to President Jere White. “Our exact role is yet to be determined,” he said. The Phase 3 WIP was created to reduce three types of pollutants, including soil from excessive erosion and nitrogen and phosphorus from too much fertilizer use along more than 12,000 miles of streams in Pennsylvania through 43 counties, including Tioga.

For information on how to join the March 2 Zoom meeting, contact President Jere White by calling (570) 662-2167 or emailing him at

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