Video: How to Tie the Seaducer


Alvin Dedeaux of All Water Guides has launched a series of videos in which he teaches you how to tie his favorite “guide flies.” A guide fly is a pattern that catches fish and is easy to tie. Guides don’t want to use flies that take a long time to tie because clients tend to lose them, sometimes depressingly quickly. Here, Alvin ties his version of the Seaducer, a pattern that originated in Florida in the 1940’s. Anglers have since discovered that it will catch all manner of of game fish in fresh and salt.

 Hook: Standard saltwater hook (here a TMC800S), size 2/0-10.
          Thread: Red (or color to match fly), 3/0.
          Wing: White saddle hackles.
          Front hackle: White saddle hackle.
          Rear hackle: Red saddle hackle.
          Adhesive: Head cement or UV-cure resin.
          Note: Tie this pattern in colors and combinations to match the naturals or as an attractor.

Credit: Source link