The Egg-Sucking Leech is a curious thing because it imitates something not actually found in nature: I’ve never found any evidence that leeches eat eggs. But when I guided in Alaska, the Egg-Sucking Leech was a staple that produced big rainbows, grayling, and salmon. Theories abound to explain the pattern’s effectiveness, but I prefer to let the mystery be. What’s great about Egg-Sucking Leeches is that there’s no wrong way to fish them. You can dead-drift one under an indicator, swing it on a tight line through the current, or strip it like a streamer.
True story: I once watched a fellow guide lose a tip over the Egg-Sucking Leech. It was the first day out with a new batch of clients, and as he tied on the fly for a middle-aged woman, he quipped, “Here’s a little something we like to call ‘The Attorney Fly.’”
“Why is that?” the client asked, delivering the perfect set-up.
With a grin, the guide responded, “Because it’s an Egg-Sucking Leech.”
This was greeted not with laughter, but with an icy stare that made the guide wonder if perhaps he shouldn’t tell that joke before inquiring about his new client’s profession.
In this great video from Tightline Productions, Tim Flagler walks you through the steps to tie this very simple pattern, which makes use of a fluorescent bead for the “egg” portion. As usual, Tim offers some good tips, such as wetting the marabou before you tie it in. Make sure watch Tim’s videos in full 4K resolution. You’ve never seen fly tying look so good.
Egg-Sucking Leech
Hook: 2X-long, 2X-heavy streamer/nymph hook (here, a Lightning Strike SN1), sizes 6-12.
Bead: Fluorescent Fire Orange bead, 1/8-inch.
Thread: Brown, 6/0 or 140-denier
Tail: Dark-brown marabou blood quill.
Body: Chocolate brown SLF Prism Dubbing.
Tools: Dubbing brush.
Credit: Source link