Video: Two Tips to Make You a Better Caster


In the latest installment in the series about fly casting from the folks at Mad River Outfitters in Columbus, Ohio, Brian Flechsig goes back to basics: He focuses on two underrated yet foundational concepts of casting. After 30 years of teaching folks to cast, I can attest to the value of his first point: start every casts with your rod tip low. It makes a huge difference in how the rod loads, leading to a good backcast that makes everything that comes after it easier.

The second tip also makes a lot of sense—and Pete Kutzer has always advocated for a thumb-on-top grip—but I’ve never seen someone advocate for putting the thumb right at the top of the grip. I’m also not sure that it works for every situation. Some folks like to cast with their index finger on top, for instance, when their casting light rods and dry flies. What do you think?

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