WDFW Lifts Fire Restrictions, Including Target Shooting Ban, On Most Department-Managed Lands – Dailyfly.com Lewis-Clark Valley Community


Olympia, WA | Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife

OLYMPIA – With cooler temperatures and higher humidity reducing wildfire danger, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) is lifting fire restrictions, including the temporary ban on target shooting, on most department-managed lands on Oct. 1.

“We welcome people to build campfires and responsibly sight in their hunting firearms on most of the lands we manage,” said Cynthia Wilkerson, Lands Division Manager for WDFW, “but we continue to urge hunters, target shooters, campers, and all others heading outdoors to be cautious when doing activities that could spark a wildfire.”

Wilkerson noted that some restrictions will remain in place in south central Washington, including a campfire ban through Oct. 15 at all WDFW wildlife areas in Yakima and Kittitas counties, as these habitats remain very vulnerable to fire.

Similarly, a campfire ban is in place through Oct. 31 at the Columbia Basin Wildlife Area in Grant and Adams counties and at the Klickitat Wildlife Area in Klickitat County due to their drier, more sensitive nature.

Wilkerson said that people heading to areas recently impacted by wildfires should take extra precautions, as these lands could pose hazards such as unseen holes in the ground where roots have burned up or burnt stumps and trees that could fall. For more information on wildfire impacts on WDFW-managed lands, visit https://wdfw.wa.gov/about/wdfw-lands/wildfire.

WDFW institutes bans in hot summer months to reduce fire risk across the state on department-managed lands and on surrounding public lands and communities. These actions protect habitat, wildlife, and human health. 

For more information about fires and fire prevention on public lands, visit the Washington Department of Natural Resources’ website (http://www.dnr.wa.gov) or the U.S. Forest Service website (http://www.fs.usda.gov). For local restrictions, contact your county.

Maps and detailed information about WDFW’s wildlife areas are available at https://wdfw.wa.gov/about/wdfw-lands.

WDFW actively manages over 700,000 acres in eastern Washington and about 1 million acres statewide to preserve natural and cultural heritage, provide access for hunting, fishing, and wildlife-related recreation, and to foster experiences for thousands of Washingtonians and visitors each year.

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife is the state agency tasked with preserving, protecting and perpetuating fish, wildlife and ecosystems, while providing sustainable fishing and hunting opportunities.



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