Husky fishing

Caught up with sportsman Brian Huskey about his latest adventures in the great outdoors. You know, I’ve really put a lot of focus into, again, that same theme of kind of always exploring new stuff after many decades of getting pretty involved in fly fishing for cold water species, your trout and your steelhead here in the northwest, I’ve really decided to explore warm water and bass fishing. And then with that bass fishing, I also decided to explore using conventional tackle, which is something that I had very little experience with. And it’s been a lot of fun fishing these waters around here that have so many bass and frankly much less fishing pressure than the trout waters around us receive. And so I find a lot of solitude and a lot of enjoyment fishing new waters that are totally new to me for a species of fish that are still relatively new to me with the small mouth and largemouth bass, and then with the form of tackle in conventional tackle and all of the different things that go along with that. Yeah, just kind of always another exploration. Speaker1: The interesting thing is if I took you to the Southeast, you could walk through a mall and point to almost everybody and say, I can guarantee you that’s a bass fisherman.

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