Anthology TREASURE FROM THE EDGE OF ETERNITY Inspires Us to Really Live


Palmetto Publishing’s latest collection of stories captures the timeless wisdom from the dying about how to truly live

Treasure from the Edge of Eternity


Charleston, SC, Oct. 17, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — In this small book, T. Durant Fleming challenges us, while also thoroughly challenging himself, to live. Not just think about it, but to actually do it, to really live, today.

This potent little text is not a book about dying. It is a book about living, written by someone who happily takes this endeavor seriously. Within these pages, Durant coaxes us, through story, to join him on a wonderful, meaningful journey—a journey to truly live our lives today, before we sail over the horizon.

Treasure from the Edge of Eternity is available for purchase online at For more information on the book and T. Durant Fleming, please visit any of his social media platforms.

Instagram: @treasurefromtheedgeofeternity

About the Author:

T. Durant Fleming was raised and educated in Memphis, Tennessee, but now lives in the beautiful hills of North Central Arkansas with his wife, Sharon, and their spunky miniature schnauzers, Archie and Phoebe. Durant enjoys writing, fly fishing, playing the bagpipes, cooking, and photography, and is presently planning on building the perfect fishing boat in his garage.

Durant is also the author of Splendid Agony: Celebrating Dyslexia.


CONTACT: Leah Joseph Palmetto Publishing

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