First, practice casting away your fears | Outdoors


The iconic perception many have of fly fishing is the rhythmic to-and-fro motion of casting a fly. Hypnotic in its timing and grace, it was the first thing I recognized as a youth and it attracted me to the sport. It helped that there was often a fish on the end of the angler’s line after I witnessed a cast of precision and grace.

Last column, the focus was on getting close to the trout. The other fundamental of the sport is a good first cast. With it, trout will often put a hook in their mouth with enthusiasm. Without it, opportunities are squandered and the game heavily favors the trout. This is a skill often observed as lacking in many devotees I see on the water. More often than can be counted, my guests will reveal that they haven’t picked up and cast their rod since the last time they visited, ensuring part of the day will be spent knocking the rust off. Until that good first cast is second nature, most will remain stuck in catching fish by “luck” rather than skill.

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