Happy Fishing! Check out this weekend’s Big Bend fishing report


Happy Snapper opening day!

June 17, 2022. A day many have been looking forward to since the governor’s announcement.

Red snapper is a fan favorite of offshore fishermen. Found throughout gulf State but mostly Federal waters, those ruby colored fighters can grow in excess of 40lbs. Diet is made of crabs, squid, bait fish and most anything that swims near their habitat.

Like other reef fish, Red Snapper congregate in schools. Comfort range in will vary. As water temperatures rise, they’ll move deeper.

If you’re planning on heading out opening day, be sure to check the weather, safety equipment and boat ramp status. Earlier this week, St Marks boat ramp at the end of Fire Escape road was closed. The road is being torn out, then rebuilt with a higher profile to help on days the tide is so high. As of June 16th, no word on the progress of that project.

Many of you that launch at “The Fort”, may remember when the city of St Mark’s put huge boulders on the side of the road to prevent trailer parking. This wasn’t to be mean, it was for safety. Again, on days when the tide gets extremely high, water will flow over the road. If you happened to be parked in a lower area off the road, well, you may have been stuck at some point.

Heat is definitely in the weekend forecast. Highs Saturday reach triple digits they say. This will have a direct impact on your well being. Staying hydrated is key. Hats, long sleeve shirts with UV protection, even that beach umbrella sticking out of a rod holder will all be helpful if spending the day on the boat.

Why are Red Snapper so popular? Is it such a good eating fish, their fighting ability or that pretty Red flash right before they get sharked. Yes, sharked.

Sharks have been an issue when reef fishing for ever. Over the past few years it’s really gotten bad.

Lemons, bulls, hammer heads, Tigers, Black tips and even Great Whites have been reported colonizing in our sacred fishing grounds. On a recent trip, one Captain reported catching 5 different species of shark in one day. Rule is, get sharked twice in a spot you need to move. Each spot he was sharked, each move brought on another species.

Another great way to cool off during a heat wave is to visit the local springs. So many to choose from. The water is always cool, clear, natures gift before A/C.

If you don’t like springs, take a tube trip down a river. Paw Paw is a favorite of Big Bend and South GA residents. Located in Marianna, Florida, just a short drive to the West of Leon county, they have tube rentals or you can bring your own. Best of all, they have a shuttle once your journey is complete. Scenery is absolutely beautiful. Kids, moms, dads even grandpa’s like me enjoy a cool, relaxing day on the little river.

Whatever you choose this weekend, please keep in mind dehydration is no joke. Just ask me. I’ve been hospitalized a half dozen times for not following my own advice.


Otto Hough (myhometownfishing.com) says, ”Hot! Little more needs be mentioned now that full blown summertime conditions are enveloping the waters of the Big Bend. Heat indices have been triple digit all week. In this type heat, one of the big keys to angling success is fish as early as possible. In fact, launching at safelight will afford opportunities for topwater plugging if fishing skinny water or a very smooth ride out if running outside for gags or the red snapper, especially since recreational red snapper season June 17th.  Our 2022 red snapper season is the longest in memory, June 17th through July 31st.

“Those anglers fishing east of the Lighthouse towards the Aucilla river have been having good topwater action when working the creek mouths as the tide begins to drop out. To the west of Shell Point on towards Panacea, the reds have been working on the topwater plugs at sunrise, then softbaits later in the morning hours. Further to the west, the fringes of Turkey Point Spit are holding some good early morning trout. If wanting to get deep water trout, the spotty bottom grass flats of Dog Island Reef have been giving up some quality trout feeding during the flood tides. Just about everywhere across the Big Bend, water clarity is great for sight fishing the skinny water from Aucilla to west to the islands.

“This Father’s Day weekend will see high tides near sunrise with a moderate falling tide into the lunchtime hour along the Big Bend coastline. Lots of fine reds and quality trout are being caught by anglers working topwater plugs around sunrise near the hill, especially around the creek mouth drains. Once that sun gets up over the horizon, begin to make a shift to working slow suspending hardbaits or the five inch jerk shad that will get lower in the cooler water columns, albeit only a few degrees of cool, but the trout seek out any relief that can be found. 

“One thing for certain over Father’s day weekend, have plenty of water, Powerade and/or Gatorade on board. Dehydration on the Big Pond can become a serious issue. Stay hydrated. If you’re fortunate enough to still have your Dad to bum around with, give him a treat, take him fishing, but early to beat the heat. We old anglers fish early in the summer to catch ’em up, then wisely seek out the A/C by lunchtime. Wear those auto-inflatable PFDs. Enjoy what should be a fine early morning post full moon fishing weekend. Boat safely.

“Just FISH!!”


Captain Russ Knapp (850-653-5072) reports, “In the category of  ‘you can never say you have seen everything,’  a cold front is going to approach our area Friday into Saturday and most likely stall out. The net results of this strange event is a forecast for a rough weekend on the water with seas 3 to 5 feet up to 6 feet on Saturday followed by seas 2 to 4 feet on Sunday. The forecast also has winds 20 knots from the West Saturday followed by more West winds 15 to 20 knots on Sunday with the bay being choppy (read that as rough) and a good chance of rain both days. This is written on Wednesday afternoon and as we know things change quickly but this is definitely a “double check the weather weekend ” before you head out.

“On a brighter note, fishing in the bay has been good this week with Capt. Dan Fortunas (850-980-0101) reporting nice Speckled Trout on the flats behind Little St George and good-sized Mangrove Snapper around any structure in the Cut. Capt. Dan suggests fishing a yellow/beige grub 18” under a popping cork in 3 to 4 feet of water for the Trout and fresh shrimp on a #1 bait holder hook on the bottom for the Snappers. Capt. Jack Frye (850 247 8134) reminds you to check the buoys for Tripletail as you pass by them as his parties have been putting good numbers in the boat all week. Fish a live or fresh shrimp either under a Cajun Thunder rig or free sinking near the buoy and hopefully you will put a great dinner in your box.

“Offshore, Capt. Clint Taylor (850-370-6631) is finding the blue water in as close as 30 miles and with-it good numbers of Pelagic fish resulting in two Wahoo strikes this week just a bit further offshore. Capt. Clint says the Red Grouper bite on live bottom has been strong but unfortunately there are a lot of fish just a tad too short which fortunately hasn’t been the case with Gag Grouper which also are hungry and bigger to boot. Based on the size and number of Red Snapper being caught by the Captains that have Federal Reef Permits and an open season, when recreational Red Snapper season opens its going to be a great year so hang on your turn is coming soon.

“Tip of the week —  STAY HYDRAYED — STAY HYDRATED—STAY HYDRATED — while the air temperature hasn’t been over the top the humidity has been sky high and will put you on the deck if you’re not careful. We say this every year but alcohol and caffeine are not your friend when you are on the water so save them for another time and drink Gatorade type products and water to stay hydrated and stay safe.”


Captain Pat McGriff of One More Cast guide service (onemorecast@gtnet.com) reports, “Trout fishing has been great when the w-i-n-d is blowing . Sunday I had Sage, Tyler and Stan Bryant of Warner Robins, Ga. out and we brought back 13 trout and kept four reds and threw back 9 reds. Tuesday, Billy Pillow and I caught ten trout in under 2 hours in 3.5 – 4.5 feet of water. We fished with live pinfish and live shrimp rigged 32 inches under a Back Bay Thunder both days. Today ( Wednesday the 15th) we had nine trout with two extra over-slot trout including a 24” sow for C.J. and Chuck Repass of Thomasville, Ga. We had five short reds with no keepers and needed a bit more breeze. Saw some scallopers who found “a few”  but didn’t do a real survey etc. Heard one vacuum going, so someone got into them. Remember this weekend will be treacherous with traffic so…FLY YOUR DIVE FLAGS!  It’s the LAW!”


Capt. Kevin Lanier of KC Sportfishing Mexico Beach (850-933-8804) reports, “We are almost 2 weeks into the Federal Charter Red Snapper season, and it has not disappointed. The recreational season opens this week and I do not see any let down.

“The bite has come throughout the day and around any structure or hard bottom. Best bait has been frozen sardines or Boston mackerel. Pretty much any bait is catching these fish. The key is getting to where the quality fish are Gag Grouper fishing has also been awesome. Live bait is the key. I like to use a 6-foot leader for these. 8 to 12 ounces of weight is what I use depending on the current. Try to keep your line as vertical as possible and keep your bait still.

“Mahi Mahi have been around. Always have a rod ready for these. Small pieces of squid work best King Mackerel are also really starting to show with a few nice fish coming across the docks Inshore fishing has slowed a little, but the Red Fish and Trout are on the flats and biting spoons and shrimp. Right now is peak time to be fishing out of Mexico Beach and Port St Joe Florida.”


Capt. Paul Tyre reports, “The Bass fishing on Lake Seminole this past June was excellent! As predicted, the big Bass where biting and we expect it to continue through July! If planning a trip to Lake Seminole in July there are some baits that you will want to have in your tackle box. Topwater lures like a Heddon Zara Spook and a Rebel Pop R fished along the edges of the grass lines are great choices and both can generate explosive strikes from the big ones.

“For a slower presentation, soft plastics are a must in June on Seminole. A 5” Yum Dinger in June Bug is an excellent choice rigged on a 4/0 Gamakatsu EWG hook fished slow.  For a bigger presentation, I prefer a 10” Yum ribbon tail worm with a light weight, also rigged on a Gamakatsu 4/0 EWG hook, again fished slow along the outside edge of the grass lines.

“The Crappie are transitioning out to their summer areas and we been catching some BIG Crappie on minnows and jigs! The Bream and Shellcracker have been bedding and will continue through July and even into August!

For a Lake Seminole Fishing Adventure for Shellcracker and/or Bass this April give me a call to check availability at 850-264-7534 , follow us on Instagram @ Capt.paultyrefishing or email me @ paultyrefishing@yahoo.com.”

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