Kids Fishing Derby at Sparks Marina



Free Fishing Day in Nevada is June 11, and to help celebrate, the Sparks Rotary Club is bringing back Kids Free Fishing Day at the Sparks Marina.

The fishing event is free for all kids ages 17 years and younger. All youth must be accompanied by a parent or responsible adult. Fishing poles and bait are provided, free of charge, while supplies last. Volunteers will help young anglers reel in fish.

Leading up to the event, the Nevada Department of Wildlife will stock the marina with more than 7,000 rainbow and brown trout on June 8.

Registration is day of the event only, on the south side of the Sparks Marina. The event runs from 7-11 a.m., and registration opens at 6 a.m. For more information, call 775-287-2931.

The Kids Free Fishing Day event was canceled the past two years due to the pandemic.

On Free Fishing Day, no fishing license is required to fish anywhere in Nevada. Go here to learn more.

Last week’s report: Eastern Sierra mountain passes opening Friday

Here is this week’s fishing report, as compiled from various sources:

Lake Davis

The lake is at about half capacity. The boat docks are not in the water at Honker or Camp Five. Anglers are launching their boats at Camp 5 and and are using rainbow runners, Dick Nites or needlefish for rainbow trout. Anglers should troll either west to east on the north side of the island, or south to Eagle Point and back to Camp 5 in 20 feet of water. Browns and rainbows are up to 20 inches. Shore anglers fishing Mallard Cove and Honker Cove are doing better with orange Powerbait than nightcrawlers. The spring fishing derby set for June 18; register at J&J Grizzly Store. Info form J&J’s Grizzly Store and Camping Resort, 530-832-0270, and Mountain Hardware, Truckee, 530-587-4844.

Frenchman Lake

Almost entire lake is open, fishing around west cove by the dam producing fish. PT nymph under indicator is doing well. Mountain Hardware, Truckee 530-587-4844.

Truckee River

Spring runoff, plus off-color water and overcast weather makes for great streamer fishing. There are multiple ways to throw streamers and not necessarily any wrong way to do so, but the best techniques for streamer fishing on the Truckee would be to use a fast-sinking line with a quick retrieve either directly across the river or with an upstream cast, or using heavy weighted jigged streamers fished dead-drift style on a euro setup. Streamers in the 2-4-inch range in olive, black, white or yellow are the most consistent producers, but as is typical with the Truckee, both presentation of the fly and covering lots of water seems to be the most important factor. From Miles and crew at Trout Creek Outfitters in Truckee, 530-563-5119.

Little Truckee River

Continues to fish well as the flows remain around 200 CFS. Take advantage of these current conditions. Still finding the euro nymph game to be the best out here. Last week, the dry fly bite picked up with a few good days of baetis and PMD hatches. A good mid-morning hatch of baetis could happen if there is cloud cover but no wind. Midges, baetis, worms and eggs are great bets now, and as the river sees more pressure, dropping your tippet down to 6x and downsizing your flies once again may be necessary. From Miles and crew at Trout Creek Outfitters in Truckee, 530-563-5119.

Lake Almanor

Fishing is trending toward good. With black ants and midge flies floating around, surface feeding activity is strong. Eared Greebs are greedily gathering insects throughout the day and fish can be seen regularly doing the same. We are in a period of pick your poison fishing. Some anglers are choosing to target fish slow or at a standstill near the bottom with bait or imitations. Others continue to produce quality fish trolling fast with spoons and the the Lake Almanor red and gold speedy shiner near the surface.

Most fish continue to strike Needlefish, Mooselook Lures, Speedy Shiners and similar offerings in the top 10 feet of the water column. An occasional salmon can be snatched in the 12 foot range just below the other fish. Canyon Dam boat ramp is open to the Public. Big Cove is starting to bustle. The Almanor Fishing Association volunteers have released this season’s rainbow trout. The fish are dispersing throughout the lake. Rob Ayers,, 530-570-9925.

Topaz Lake 

Topaz has been stocked well this season and is fishing great, especially around the south end. Aim for the beds, where the smallmouth bass are more aggressive. Mark Fore & Strike, 775-786-3474 or 775-322-9559.

Wildhorse Reservoir

The perch die-off is continuing at Wildhorse Reservoir, but it doesn’t appear to be affecting trout or other species. NDOW biologists are doing extensive testing to try to find the cause of the die-off. Anglers report that fishing from shore has slowed significantly. Perch fishing has been poor. Fishing in the coves and from shore has been fair for trout. Bass fishing is still slow, but is starting to pick up a bit and is expected to pick up more as the water warms. The same fly patterns continue to work as fly fishermen have been successful with wine-colored leech patterns as well as wine or red chironomids. Olive, wine and black/blood leeches and buggers have also produced fish.

For bait anglers, try fishing an inflated worm a few feet off the bottom using a slip sinker in water that is 4-10 feet deep. Another option would be to roll some PowerBait to make a bell shape and fish it in a similar fashion to the inflated worm using a slip sinker and it will float up a couple of feet above the bottom. Make sure to dip the PowerBait in the water for a few seconds after it is on the hook to gel it up so it doesn’t come off the hook when casting.

Wildhorse was stocked with 10,000 trout in early April, approximately 5,000 trout in early May and 500 wipers (a cross between a white bass and a striped bass) later in May. No black bass may be kept until July 1. Return all black bass to the lake as soon as they are caught. NDOW.

Sparks Marina

Kastmaster lures have been working well here because they can be cast farther out and they sink deep. Nightcrawlers or Powerbait are also working well, with a bobber. Some rainbows up to 3 pounds coming out lately. Fishing for carp and catfish has become popular here, especially along the east side. Kids fishing derby is June 11 from 7-11 a.m.. Mark Fore & Strike, 775-786-3474 or 775-322-9559.

Donner Lake

A good bet for shore anglers. The best areas for shore fishing are China Cove or docks five through 10. There are anglers trolling for macks and kokanee in the early morning or late evenings, but shore angling from the docks seems to be the most popular. Shore anglers should fish Powerbait or salmon eggs with a slip sinker rig for best results. Currently at 95 percent capacity. Mountain Hardware, Truckee, 530-587-4844.

Boca Reservoir 

Has a great trout bite off the dam in 20 feet of water. All of the coves are also fishing well. Shore anglers are doing well using an inflated nightcrawler floating off the bottom or Powerbait. Anglers trolling should try trolling the shoreline with small spoons and small Rapalas. Currently at 85 percent capacity. Mountain Hardware, Truckee, 530-587-4844


Continues to have a great Kokanee bite in the morning. Anglers are easily reaching their limits fast, and the Kokanee are a good size. Anglers fishing for Kokanee should be top-lining because the fish aren’t too deep in the water column yet. Anglers should top line with spinners or weddings rings behind a purple, pink or green dodger for best results. Shore anglers fishing for trout at Stampede should use Powerbait, salmon eggs, or nightcrawlers. Currently at 55 percent capacity. Mountain Hardware, Truckee, 530-587-4844.

Prosser Reservoir

The shore bite is fantastic near the inlet area northwest of the campground. Anglers should use Powerbait or inflated nightcrawlers floating off the bottom for best results. Shore anglers casting off shore with Mepps spinners, Kastmasters, Rapalas and Sierra Spoons are also doing well. Anglers focusing on bass should look near the rocky points or ledges. Currently at 61 percent capacity. Mountain Hardware, Truckee, 530-587-4844.

Crowley Lake

Fishing has remained consistent for all three species of trout. There is a large concentration of cutthroat trout here, especially in McGee Bay. Fishing depths are 16-20 feet but are holding at all levels of the water column. Mild weather for most of May allowed for some fantastic midge hatches. The bulk of the trout that made a showing were cutthroat, with hundreds of them invading the Stormy Flats area of the lake.

A few Sacramento Perch have also been in the mix here and there, and now that June is here you can expect to see them forming their large schools in preparation for the spawn. They look like huge balls of bait on your sonar screen suspended in the water column. From time to time you may even see them in the water, from a boat or float tube. Sierra Drifters, 760-935-4250,

Hot Creek

Higher water levels and stable weather conditions are moving fish around. Look along the edges and pockets of slower water for feeding trout. Scuds are great this time of year, along with annelids and midges. Hatches will resume once water levels stabilize. Sierra Drifters, 760-935-4250 or email

Lake Sabrina (Bishop, Calif.)

The lake level has risen a couple feet this spring, but it is still low. Duo to the lower lake level, shoreline access is good and shoreline anglers have been seen bringing in decent numbers of the stocker-sized rainbows. If you are able to get a boat in, be careful as there are numerous shallow water hazards. Lake Sabrina Boat Landing, 760-873-7425,

Jim Krajewski covers high school and youth sports for the Reno Gazette Journal. Follow him on Twitter @RGJPreps. Support his work by subscribing to 

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