Classic Podcast: All About Sinking Lines, with Josh Jenkins


A few weeks ago, I did a podcast on floating fly lines with Josh Jenkins of Scientific Anglers. Not only was it popular, but I also hinted that we might do one on sinking lines, which produced a minor barrage of requests for one. So here it is. You’ll learn about how sinking lines are made; what those designations like IPS, Class V, and T-14 mean; and how to use them in your fishing.  You’ll also get some hints on how to pick the right sinking line for your own situations.

the Fly Box this week, we cover the following suggestions and questions:

  • A suggestion on how to get a nice flat shape when tying nymphs
  • A heads up about the FFI Fly-Tying Awards
  • Why do I lose so many trout using size 22 hooks?  Should I bend the hooks out a bit?
  • Can I substitute monofilament for fine wire on my Elk Hair Caddis?
  • How do I extend the butt section of my leader?  Exactly what knots do I need?
  • Is it OK to use flies tied for different species in other habitats?
  • How do I catch walleye on a fly?
  • I am legally blind and want to catch brook trout on small mountain streams?  What is the best method for me?
  • Can I use UV resin instead of head cement on smaller flies?
  • What are the most effective colors of Dragon Tails?
  • What sinking line is best for any given body of water?

If you don’t see the “Play” button above, click here to listen.

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