Podcast: Casts for Difficult Trout, with Pete Kutzer


[Interview starts at 47:29]

This week, my guest is Orvis casting guru Pete Kutzer, and we talk about casts for difficult trout. Often you don’t need great casting skills or special casts to catch trout, but there are times when a little razzle-dazzle will make the difference. Pete talks about those situations and what to do–and he also introduces a new way of making a bow-and-arrow cast that was new to me.  I think anyone can benefit from Pete’s advice.

In the Fly Box, we have these great questions and tips from listeners:

  • What do you think about tying on eyeless hooks and making eyes out of silk bead cord?
  • What do you mean by the term “swinging flies”?
  • Can I target grass carp on a fly?
  • Can you ice fish with flies?
  • How do I fish a lake for trout from my kayak?
  • What do you think of the electric socks that are controlled by an app?
  • A great tip from a listener on avoiding spooking trout in small streams.
  • Can a figure-8 knot be used in fly fishing?
  • What do you recommend for a rod for fishing larger eastern rivers?
  • How can I correct a casting issue where my fly gets caught on my line-to-leader connection?
  • Do I need to buy a specific saltwater outfit for Belize or will my current steelhead rod work?
  • Do you recommend weed guards for fishing in Belize?
  • How much do brown trout move in the fall?
  • Do you think it’s possible that a stocked tiger trout could have moved 30 miles from where it was stocked?
  • Can I overline my 3-weight rod by two line sizes for really short casts?
  • My wife has problems with glare on the water. Do you think there is something wrong with her eyes?
  • Which precautions should I take releasing trout in subzero weather?

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