Podcast: Removing the Snake River Dams, with Chris Wood


Interview starts at 50:15.

As part of Trout Unlimited’s weeklong emphasis on the Snake River salmon-and-steelhead restoration plan, my guest this week is Chris Wood, president and CEO of Trout Unlimited. Our topic is the plan to remove four dams on the lower Snake River, a monumental project that offers great benefit to this river’s historic anadromous fishery, which has been in great decline over the past 50 years. When I first heard of this, I thought it would be a pipe dream to even think of removing these dams that supply hydropower, transportation, and irrigation. But Chris has convinced me that those beneficial uses can now be replaced with alternative means, and there is a real possibility of seeing these dams removed in our lifetime. Hopefully, he’ll convince you as well.

In the Fly Box, we have some great questions and tips shared by listeners, including:

  • How can I land large trout on tiny size 22 nymphs?
  • What can I do to move a big fish that sulks on the bottom?
  • Can you share a few of your DIY hacks for your fly-tying desk?
  • A tip from a listener never to buy or tie just one of a particular pattern
  • Can I use an old Battenkill 3 reel on my new Clearwater 10-foot 3-weight for Euro nymphing?
  • If you hook a fish deep in the mouth, is it OK to leave the fly in the fish?
  • What is the best way to fish a dry fly directly downstream?  Are there special casts I can use?
  • Why did the brown trout in my stream disappear around the middle of October?
  • Why do trout eat my nymphs after they have been hanging below me for 10 seconds?
  • What is a formula for a 15- or 18-foot knotted leader?
  • If I see creek chubs in a pool, should I expect brook trout will be there as well?
  • What is Tom’s opinion on the practice of stocking cutthroat trout in eastern rivers?
  • A tip for keeping Sink Putty from sliding up your leader
  • What are Tom’s thoughts on what social media has done to fly fishing?
  • What are some techniques for catching trout that live in undercut banks?

Credit: Source link