Explore south of Bend | Explore Central Oregon


This holiday weekend, take the time to get outside and enjoy the trails before the snow fills them in fully. This is an awkward time right before there is enough snow to start pulling out the skis and snowboards, yet many campgrounds and trails are already closed. Luckily, areas south of Bend always have something to offer. Expect mild weather this weekend, but always be prepared for sudden changes in the weather if you do venture out.

Deschutes National Forest

Benham East Trailhead: Open

Benham West Trailhead: Open

Boyd Cave Day Use Area: Open

Charlton Lake Trailhead: Open; light deadfall

Coral Swamp Trailhead: Open; light deadfall

Crane Prairie Picnic Area: Open; lake currently has an algae bloom

Cultus Lake and Winopee trails: Open; patchy snow with possible downfall

Elk Lake Trailhead: Open; light deadfall

Horse Butte Trailhead: Open; light deadfall above Swamp Wells Horse Camp near junction with Crater Rim

Irish and Taylor Lakes Trailhead: Open

Jack Lake Trailhead: Open; patchy snow with possible downfall

Lava Butte Interpretation Viewpoint: Open

Lava Camp Lake Trailhead: Open

Lava Cast Forest Trailhead: Open

Lava Island Day Use: Open

Lava Lands: Open; visitor center closed for season, trails still open

Lucky Lake Trailhead: Open; recent logout, trail should be clear

Many Lakes Trailhead: Open; patchy snow with possible downfall

Meek Lake Trail: Open; patchy snow with five good sized trees across the trail before the junction with Summit Lake trail

Metolius-Windigo: Open; patchy snow

North Twin Boating Area: Open

Peter Skene Ogden Trailhead: Open; possible snow near Paulina Lake

Phil’s Trailhead: Open; clear

Six Lakes Trailhead: Open; deadfall

South Twin Day Use — Launch: Open

Summit Lake: Open; patchy snow with possible downfall

Sun Lava Trailhead: Open; heavy use on weekends

Sunset View Day Use: Open

Tenino Boating Site: Open

Tranquil Cove Day Use: Open

Wake Butte Trailhead: Open

Winopee Trailhead: Open; clear to junction with PCT

Deschutes National Forest — Diamond Peak Wilderness

Fawn Lake Trail: Open; patchy snow with possible downfall

Whitefish Creek Trail: Open

Yoran Lake Trail: Open; patchy snow with possible downfall

Willamette National Forest — Diamond Peak Wilderness

Bear Mountain Trail: Open

Corrigan Lake Trail: Open

Hemlock Butte Trail: Open

Pioneer Gulch Trail: Open

Willamette National Forest — Waldo Lake Wilderness Area

Abernethy-Deer Creek Trailhead: Open

Betty Lake Trailhead: Open

Betty Lake Trailhead: Open

Bobby Lake Trailhead: Open

Bunchgrass Trailhead — Lower: Open

Bunchgrass Trailhead — Upper: Open

Cupit Mary Meadow Trail: Open

Devil’s Garden Trailhead: Open

Erma Bell Trailhead: Open

Fuji Mountain Trailhead at Gold Lake: Open

Gander Lake Trailhead: Open

Gold Lake Day Use Area: Open

Helen Lake Trailhead: Open

High Divide Trailhead: Open

Jim Weaver Loop Trailhead (Waldo Lake Trail): Open

Koch Mountain Trailhead: Open

Marilyn Lakes Trailhead: Open

North Waldo Day Use Area: Open

Salmon Lakes — Waldo Mountain Trailhead: Open

Spirit Lake-Waldo Meadows Trailhead: Open

Swan Lake Trailhead: Open

Twin Peak Trailhead: Open

Whig and Torrey Way Trailhead: Open

Winchester Ridge Trailhead: Open

Bureau of Land Management

Black Hills ACEC: Open; climbing and geocaching are prohibited

Christmas Valley Sand Dunes: Open

Crack-in-the-Ground: Open

Fossil Lake ACEC: Open; motor vehicles and fossil collecting prohibited

Lost Forest: Open, vehicles restricted to designated roads only

Fort Rock State Natural Area: Open; rock scrambling closed in southeast area to protect nesting falcons; cave tours canceled

Deschutes National Forest

Lava Lake Campground: Open

North Twin Lake Campground: Open

Crater Rim: Riding well; deadfall reported

All other trails riding well

New reports needed on Leap of Faith

Maiden Lake: patchy snow with possible downfall

Betty Lake, Bobby Lake, Charlton Lake #3593, Cultus Lake Loop, Gold Lake, Twins: Riding well

Fuji Mountain, South Waldo Lake: Rideable snow

All other trails riding well with deadfall reported

Updated at 9 a.m. Nov. 22

Upper Deschutes at Benham Falls: 424 cfs; rainbow trout, brown trout; fishing closed until May 22, 2022

Fall River: Brook trout, brown trout, rainbow trout; good fishing throughout the river; fly-fishing with barbless hooks only

Crane Prairie Reservoir: 69% full; brook trout, kokanee, largemouth bass, rainbow trout; algae bloom; good fishing but higher water temperatures, trout will be holding in deeper water; must release wild rainbow trout

Wickiup Reservoir: 17% full; the Deschutes Arm is closed from the boat ramp at Gull Point to the ODFW markers upstream of Sheep’s Bridge

East Lake: Brown trout, kokanee, rainbow trout, Atlantic salmon; good fishing but water temps are warm; water level is lower for this time of year, may be difficult launching larger boats

Paulina Lake: Kokanee, rainbow and brown trout; good fishing for kokanee and brown trout

North Twin Lake: Rainbow trout; good fishing reported

South Twin Lake: Rainbow trout; good fishing reported

Davis Lake: rainbow trout and largemouth bass; water level is low and it may be difficult to launch larger boats; fair fishing for largemouth bass; fly fishing only; fair fishing, catch and release for trout, no limit on size or number for warmwater fish

Lava Lake: Rainbow trout; algae bloom; recent reports are mixed, should improve when the water quality does

Little Lava Lake: Rainbow trout, brook trout and whitefish; best methods are bait, lures and flies still-fished or trolled

Cultus Lake: Mackinaw, rainbow and brook trout; troll depths for mackinaw and shallower areas for rainbows

Hosmer Lake: Brook, cutthroat and rainbow trout; fly fishing and catch and release only with barbless hooks; good fishing reported

Elk Lake: Brook trout and kokanee; jigging, still-fishing and trolling from a boat or fly fishing are best

Diamond Lake: trout; all brown and tiger trout must be released; trout fishing has been good on lures; if you catch one over 20 inches, take it to the marina to be entered for a raffle

Crescent Lake: 9% full; kokanee, mackinaw, rainbow and brown trout, whitefish and chub; one lake trout per day, 24-inch minimum; fishing is poor; lake level is extremely low, developed ramps are unavailable for launching boats

Waldo Lake: Boating restricted to electric motors or non-motorized vessels

Odell Lake: Lake trout, kokanee, rainbow trout; good fishing for kokanee with some larger fish being caught; 25 kokanee per day in addition to daily trout limit

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