Podcast: Plan your dream trip to Alaska


[Interview begins at 32:21]

Everyone should experience Alaska at least once in their lifetime, and if you are a fly fisher, it is a place like no other. But there are different seasons, even during their short summer, and if you have your heart set on a particular species, you need to pay attention to the timing of your trip. Reed Teuscher is one of 14 people in our Outfitter Group, full-time Orvis experts who handle your fly fishing questions when you e-mail fishing@orvis.com, call 888-709-4732, or when you use the chat on our web site.  This team includes guides, past Orvis retail fishing managers, and other experts. You’re not reaching a random call center; you’re connecting with experts in the field who understand fly-fishing conditions and tackle.  

Reed  was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, earning his fly-fishing stripes chasing trout on Willamette Valley rivers and their tributaries. After relocating to central Oregon, he honed his passion for two-handed rods by chasing steelhead on the North Umpqua and Deschutes rivers. Having now been in the fly-fishing industry for almost two decades, he’s chased fish around a good portion of the world. Besides working in and running fly shops, he’s guided in the Pacific Northwest, western New York, and Alaska. 

In the Fly Box, we have some great questions from listeners, including:

  • Is casting a 10-foot, 3-weight Euro-nymphing rod with a dry fly different from other fly casting?
  • If I am not very tall, should I consider a longer Euro-nymphing rod because I can’t wade as deep as some people?
  • How do you measure leaders and tippets?
  • When fishing a dry-dropper rig, what is the percentage of fish caught on the dry as opposed to the dropper?
  • Why does Orvis no longer make one-piece fly rods?
  • What should I do when I see people keeping undersize striped bass?
  • Are bluefish declining?
  • Any thoughts on using tube flies?
  • How do I figure out fly sizes when picking them out of my box?
  • When is the best time to use a blood knot instead of a triple surgeon’s?
  • When you only catch small fish in a spot, is it because they are easier to catch or because you are just fishing a spot where there are only small fish?
  • How can I stay off brook trout redds in the fall?
  • When fishing a dry-dropper rig in a stream with brook and brown trout, I only catch brookies on the nymph but catch both brown and brook trout on the dry.  Why is that?
Photo courtesy Reed Teuscher

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