Classic Friday Fly-Fishing Film Festival 08.07.20


Welcome to a classic edition of the Orvis News Friday Fly-Fishing Film Festival, in which we scour the Web for the best fly-fishing videos available. This week, we serve up a baker’s dozen videos that capture some amazing angling action and spectacular scenery–from the bonefish flats of Mexico to the brook trout waters of Labrador and from the British Columbia backcountry to the heart of Patagonia. Of course, there’s plenty of homegrown action, as well, including trout from the Smokies and the Rockies, as well as Everglades tarpon.

For best results, watch all videos at full-screen and in high definition. Remember, we surf so you don’t have to. But if you do stumble upon something great that you think is worthy of inclusion in a future F5, please post it in the comments below, and we’ll take a look.

We kick things off with the second video in a fun series from Bloodknots about how guides spend their days off.

Small-stream fishing in the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee is a blast, especially when the trout are looking up: “He wants it so bad!”

Lots of tarpon take to the air and battle boatside in this highlight reel from Florida, by Colorblind Media.

Mad respect to Ken Tanaka of Wish4Fish for the shot at :13 in this video, which also features killer salmonfly action from the Henrys Fork.

I’m guessing that this is somewhere in Argentina, but the qutation marks around the name of the river suggests that someone doesn’t want us to know.

It seems like it’s been a while since we’ve had a good bonefish video, so here’s some fun action from Mexico.

Our buddy Drew from Looknfishy explains his fascination with carp in this cool new video.

Just because you’ve got the tarpon close to the boat doesn’t mean the fight is over, as this angler finds out in the Everglades.

When you’re fishing and flying, you wanna make sure you stick the landing . . . .

Mama Mia! There are some astonishing brook trout in this video from Labrador.

But fish don’t have to be huge to be trophies. There are some true gems in this video from the small streams of Pennsylvania.

I love the way that this video captures the experience of a day out fly fishing for jacks on the Texas Coast.

We finish up with a gorgeous video from the Chubut Province of Central Patagonia. Yes, it’s an ad, but there are some beautiful trout and great scenery on display.

Credit: Source link