Genshin Impact: Fishing Guide | RPG Site


In the recent Genshin Impact 2.1 update, a new stable RPG feature, Fishing has been added. This new feature isn’t exactly unlocked automatically. First, you will need to reach Adventurer Rank 35, then have unlocked the Serenitea Pot. If you haven’t gotten this feature unlocked, you will need to complete the Archon Quest: “Chapter I: Act III: A New Star Approaches“.

Unlocking Fishing


When all the requirement is met, head to Mondstadt and talk to the Katheryne in the Adventurer’s Guild. You will get the side quest, Exploding Population. In the first step, you will meet the fisherman, Nantuck. Talk to him and then meet him near Springvale. This time Nantuck will hand over some fishing materials and will let you fish at the nearby fishing spot. The game will provide a tutorial on fishing, you will need to hold down the attack button while the yellow cursor is within the fishing meter. If the method is done correctly, the fishing gauge will go up. When the fishing meter reaches full, you will successfully catch a fish. 

Anyways be sure to use the new Fishing Pin to mark fishing spots you find, as these spots aren’t marked automatically.  Now after this part, head to where the objective marker is pointing for the side quest. You will need to catch the Ornamental Fish. Once you have caught this fish, turn it in to Nantuck to complete the fishing side quest. 


Fishing Rewards

With Fishing unlocked, you can now earn rewards for trading in fishes you have caught. Each region has its own Fishing Association and is marked with Fishing Icon. Here you can trade fish for rewards for a variety of things. The biggest reward is from the Inazuma Fishing Association, The Catch. This is an extremely powerful weapon that works really well with Raiden Shogun without spending wishes in the Weapon Banner. Another thing to note is that when a fish is caught, it will take 3 days for them to respawn. If you’re in a hurry to get these rewards, you will need to hop into another player’s world to catch additional fish.

Mondstadt Rewards

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  • Windtangler (Fishing Rod)

    • Medaka (20), Aizen Medaka (20), Venomspine Fish (20), Tea-Colored Shirakodai (20)
  • Formula: Redrot Bait
  • Formula: False Worm Bait
  • Formula: Fake Fly Bait
Liyue Rewards
  • Pool of Sapphire Grace (Teapot Furnishing)
  • Wishmaker (Fishing Rod)
    • Medaka (20), Sweet-Flower Medaka (20), Betta (20), Brown Shirakodai (20)
Inazuma Rewards
  • Narukawa Ukai (Fishing Rod)

    • Medaka (20), Glaze Medaka (20), Lunged Stickleback (20), Purple Shirakodai (20)
  • The Catch (Spear)
    • Raimei Angelfish (6), Golden Koi (20), Rusty Koi (20)
  • Ako’s Sake Vessel (Refinement material for the Catch)
    • Raimei Angelfish (3), Pufferfish (10), Bitter Pufferfish (20)

Using Fishing Bait

There are a variety of different fishing baits in Genshin Impact. Each type of bait can attract certain types of fish. First, you will need to acquire the bait, this requires learning the fish bait recipes. These recipes are acquired from the Mondstadt Fishing Association by exchanging the Medaka. Then when you learn the recipe, you will need to bring the required materials and craft them on an alchemy table. To make fishing even more complicated, some fish will appear only at a certain time of the day. 

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Fruit Paste Bait
  • Required Materials: Sunsettia, Wheat
  • Catches: Medaka, Glaze Medaka, Sweet-Flower Medaka, Aizen Medaka
    • Dawncatcher (18:00 to 6:00), Crystalfish (6:00 to 18:00)
Redrot Bait
  • Required Materials: Dendrobloom, Fowl
  • Catches: Lunged Stickleback, Betta, Venomspine Fish, Snowstrider (18:00 to 6:00)
    • Akai Maou (6:00 to 18:00)
False Worm Bait
  • Required Materials: Slime Condensate, Berry
  • Catches: Brown Shirakodai, Purple Shirakodai, Tea-Colored Shirakodai, Abiding Angelfish (6:00 to 18:00)
    • Raimei Angelfish (18:00 to 6:00)
Fake Fly Bait
  • Required Materials: Horsetail, Sakura Bloom
  • Catches: Golden Koi, Rusty Koi, Pufferfish, Bitter Pufferfish

Fishing Spots

Like finding materials, you can use the Genshin Interactive Map to locate fishing spots and track down fishes you’re looking for. 

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Mondstadt Locations

Liyue Locations

Inazuma Locations

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