Fishing report: It’s terrestrial time for dry fly anglers | Outdoors


Flathead Lake (North) — Anglers are catching lake trout along with whitefish, but most anglers are fishing for whitefish. If one goes out beyond where the whitefish are and puts down a whole fish (9-11 inches), some big lake trout have been caught. There is the potential for a trophy lake trout if one gets beyond the whitefish. The lake trout are feeding on perch and small whitefish. — Zimmer Bait and Tackle, Pablo.

Flathead Lake (South) — Whitefish action is contingent on hitting the water when waves of little perch come in. The key is finding where the small perch are located. Most of the whitefish being caught are lake whitefish, but there is an occasional mountain whitefish caught. — Zimmer Bait and Tackle, Pablo.

Kootenai River — The river is in great shape and the current discharge from Libby Dam is 7,000 cfs. The water temperature at Libby Dam is 56 degrees. Hatches are: midge, caddis, PMDs and nocturnal stoneflies. Patterns:  Zebra Midge, Parachute Adams, Yellow Haze, Parachute PMD, Rosenbauer’s Rabbit Foot Emerger, KPPT, Water Walker, Purple Haze, purple Chubby, red Chubby, Bugmeister, X-Caddis, Caddis Pupa, Bloom’s Caddis, tan Sparkle Dun, purple Chubby, BH Prince, soft SJ Worm, BH Pheasant Tail, BH Rubberleg Stonefly, big streamers in white, pink and olive, Circus Peanut, black conehead Buggers. Linehan Outfitting, Troy.

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