11 Best Affordable Fly Fishing Reels (2021)


The Maxcatch Toro is a silky smooth, versatile budget reel best utilized for freshwater applications. 

Maxcatch recently sent me this model reel to fish with a few years back, and I gotta say I’m impressed. For the cost, this unit would make an excellent spare reel, but you may end up using this piece of hardware more than you expect. After many days on the water, the drag system sometimes disengages with my now battle-worn Toro, but I still recommend it for the price point.

I tried pairing the 5/6wt with one of my higher end fly rods and really enjoy fishing with the combo. The weight, balance and overall feel this model provides absolutely surpasses what you would expect in a reel at this price point.

The corrosion-resistant CNC machined aluminum alloy is tough as nails, and the finish on the reel furthermore holds up quite nicely. There’s no wiggle in the tolerances of this option after a good bit of fishing which is always a great sign of integrity and sound craftsmanship. Other fishermen reviews agree this is a reel that can take a beating.

The drag system is nothing particularly special – but it works well and it works reliably for most freshwater applications. It’s a Teflon disc and stainless steel drag system with a one-way clutch bearing, so if you use this reel in the saltwater make sure to rinse it out very thoroughly.

Although a sealed drag is always preferred, Maxcatch has built this reel with a more than adequate drag system that certainly won’t let you down. Furthermore, Maxcatch has added a clicker to the drag adjustment rather than leaving it silent – it’s a simple feature, but I for one really appreciate both feeling and hearing where my drag is set. The adjustment knob itself is also nice and large for easy handling while fighting line-peeling fish.

This is a large arbor design, and I can attest that this reel picks up line rapidly. It’s got a smooth retrieve that feels much more like a superior quality product than like a cheapo fly fishing reel. This unit will also switch over from right to left-handed retrieve quite easily – the machined, knurled metal screw caps cooperate easy enough.

Overall, this is no doubt one of the better buys on this list. Maxcatch is absolutely onto something with this one.

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