100 Years Ago: 23-year-old missing from Manistee


The following news items are reprinted from the Manistee Daily News for the week April 14-20, 1922 and are compiled by Teena Kracht from the newspaper archives of the Manistee County Historical Museum. Read more of the 100 Years Ago column at manisteenews.com.

Apr. 14, pg. 1 

“The board of supervisors at the closed meeting of the April session this morning disposed of several important matters.  

“The finance committee’s recommendation that the judge of probate’s request for extra help for two months help in posting the records of the office be granted, and that the probation officer’s request for increase in salary be denied, was adopted … 

“The auditing committee’s report on claims 1 to 90 was also adopted and approved.  This calls for payment of but half of the claim of Seidman & Seidman, Grand Rapids accountants employed in the Larsen and Beattie case, at present, as recommended by the prosecutor.  The bill is for $803.07, which is regarded by some as excessive … 

“County Agricultural Agent Carl Knopf made a short report of his activities … He spoke of the movement to have all sleighs widened to standard tread with a view to keeping the roads open during the period of snow, and stated that blacksmiths … are cooperating finely by offering to do the work at low figures, while Manistee merchants have guaranteed a $5 cash bonus to the first 50 persons who will put the runners of their sleighs farther apart … 

“Knopf referred only incidentally to the petition filed for his removal from his office, saying it would, he hoped, be fully discussed at the June session.  He told of the success of alfalfa growth in the county … He also referred to excessive freight rates in the region … .

“LANSING, April 14 — The application of the Filer Fibre Company of Manistee for permission to increase its capital stock to $1 million to erect and operate a paper mill in addition to its present pulp mill, was approved today by the Michigan Securities commission, and the company was authorized to sell the additional stock … .

Pg. 3

“Several supervisors are hot under the collar because, they say, the prosecutor has written to dog owners in their townships that the supervisors have reported them as delinquent in the payment of dog taxes …  

“(Supervisor) Ole Miller of Manistee township … declared he was tired of being made the goat for somebody else’s failure to collect this item, and he felt sure that some of the other members were in accord.  They were.

“The law requires the supervisor to furnish a list of dogs in his township, and there his duty in the matter ends.  The county treasurer is expected to collect the licenses, and the prosecutor to force the collections if necessary.

“‘But dog-gone it, what does he do?’ inquired Ole.  ‘Why, he just takes the list of those who haven’t paid and writes them that “the supervisor of your township informs us that you have not paid the tax on the dog owned by you.”  I never did.  It isn’t my business to.  It only gets us in bad, and as ‘tis we all have trouble enough with the dogs.  A farmer hates to pay a dog tax worse than anything else … 

“Getting this off his chest, the big supervisor … expressed himself as feeling better.  ‘Don’t know if it’s a matter for official action,’ he said, ‘but I sure want the prosecutor to quit sicking the dogs (and their owners) in my township on me.

“‘Dog-gone the whole mess, anyway.’

“Once again a Manistee face beams on Broadway.  It is the one belonging to Allen (Swede) Christiansen.

“ … The orchestra of which ‘Swede’ is a member — he blows the sobbing saxophone, you know — will play at the famous Roseland dance gardens for two years at a salary of $210,000 … 

“This engagement will naturally mean the absence of ‘Swede’ from the regulars of the local summer contingent, and this absence will be noticed, but it pleases his friends, nevertheless, to know he sits with the top-notchers in the business. 

“The question of teachers’ wages came up for discussion yesterday afternoon at the school officers’ meeting for Manistee County.  Many of the officers of the district seemed to be of the opinion that teachers in rural schools of Manistee County were receiving too large salaries, especially as a number of them were not up to the standard. 

“It was stated that in some cases, in order to secure teachers, it had been necessary to pay the teachers up to $125 a month, which is considered high for a rural school … The high wages of the teachers … are caused by the large demand for their services, while the supply is still quite low, due to the fact that … people have turned … to other occupations because of the larger returns in them.  

“Mr. Otwell, representative of the State Department of Public Instruction explained … that teachers’ wages will have to come down within the next few years, as the normal schools and colleges will be turning out more teachers … than ever before, all of them being crowded at the present time.

“In the meantime, it is up to the various school boards to get as good teachers as they can at the best price … .

“SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY AND SUNDAY STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM AT FOUNTAIN — 15 CENTS … Fresh Crushed Strawberry Sundae 15 cents.  Meet Your Friends At Our Fountain.  Mertens Drug … Service & Satisfaction Always. 

“As Noah Heap puts it:  Many a man attracts his largest following at his funeral. 

“Conan Doyle says when we die we go to a certain plane and after a time we leave that one and go to another plane.  And there you are, only be careful, of course, in changing planes. 

“Isn’t April sweet, now and then, not to say here and there?

“Shortest distance between two points once was indicated by ‘as the crow flies.’ Now it is being supplanted by ‘radio distance.’ 

“With all the base running, rum running and people running for office, no one can claim the American people aren’t getting active exercise.  

“Question for Today:  Would the town knocker knock so much if he took time to put on a clean collar, take a bath and clean up a bit?  Is there any connection between a dirty shirt and chronic fault finding? 

Apr. 15, pg. 2

“The first big postseason social affair will be staged next Monday night, when the Easter Ball, which will be made an annual event, will be given at Ramsdell hall under the auspices of the Knights of Columbus. 

“Dancing will begin at 9 o’clock in the evening, Spin Johnson’s six-piece orchestra, with all players in tuxedo dress, furnishing the music … 

“Ramsdell hall will be made gay for the occasion with festive Easter decorations.  The aim of the committee in charge is to give all who attend a good evening’s entertainment and as this is the first dance after the lenten season, a large crowd is anticipated.

Pg. 3

“Another link has been added to a system of highway transportation along Western Michigan.  A service known as the Northern Rapid Transit line, going as far as Traverse City, has been started by Carl Lyle, who has given up his jitney service to Filer City. 

“The first trip to Traverse City was made Thursday.  All intermediate points are also touched … 

“The bus is a Reo, with accommodations for 15 passengers.  There are five entryways, and the seats face to the front … 

“The local terminal is the Chippewa hotel.  Departure is made at 8 a.m., arriving at Traverse City about 11.  Returning, the bus leaves at 2 p.m., arriving at 5 o’clock.

“It looks like Sheriff Hallock has a chance of getting an inkling of where the booze at Filer City is coming from — if a prisoner now in his keeping does not back down from a promise made this morning in Justice Greve’s court. 

“The prisoner is William Eden, Jr., of Filer City, who was arrested last night … on a drunk and disorderly charge.  Young Eden … came home drunk for supper last night and, after an argument, started a rough-house with his father, Wm.

“ … Eden pleaded guilty … When asked by the sheriff where he obtained the liquor, Eden responded that it could be obtained nearly any place in Filer City, but would not tell where he obtained the liquor if the man who sold it to him came across with the money for the fine of $5 and costs … Otherwise he would start a little trouble, he said. 

“Eden’s mother, who was in court, promised to have the money by 2 o’clock … Justice Greve did not have any word from Mrs. Eden up until 2:30, so he thinks she was unsuccessful … (and) young Eden may therefore have to take the jail sentence of 20 days.  

“‘Unsettled, probably rain.’

“Milady, that is the weather man’s prediction for tomorrow, Easter, the day so long waited for.  Oh, if today had only been Easter!  Under such ideal conditions the fashion parade would surely have been a huge success.  As it is, a stream of nervousness runs through the whole clan of womankind, to find an outlet in either gratification or disappointment … .

“Warnshall’s restaurant, at River and Maple street, lost its protector from runaway automobiles when the iron post, used for the suspension of streetcar wires, toppled over onto the roof of the restaurant, splintering a small part of it, after the Light and Traction crew removed the wires from it early this morning.

“The pole, which has stopped a number of automobiles from crashing into the restaurant building, was badly dented at the bottom as a result of these collisions, and when the wires which held it up were removed, it broke off directly above the cement walk. 

“Weather probabilities for any day in April:  ‘What’s it doing outside?’

“It isn’t what men have descended from that is the serious problem.  It’s the things they have descended to.

“As Noah Heap puts it:  If a man licks the hand that smote him it’s because he can’t smite the hand that licked him.

“Those who wish to attract wrens to their dooryard this spring should get their wren houses out at once.  The little songsters are beginning to choose their summer homes. 

“‘It may be interesting to know that there are still men who can ride a 16-foot log with an eight-inch top through white water without drowning their peavie or losing their hat,’ writes a Munising correspondent, who maintains that the color and romance of log driving have not entirely passed.  We must send off to Florida or Oregon or somewhere and get them a 16-foot log with an eight-inch top, and let them show us. 

“Some Manistee girls have adopted another fad of eastern origin — the stocking of ‘dark flesh’ shade.  At a distance they look as if — well, have a look. 

“Who remembers when as you approached a railroad crossing you invariably obeyed the ‘Stop, Look and Listen’ sign?  And there was that other one, ‘Five Dollars Fine for Crossing this Bridge Faster Than a Walk.’  And who remembers when sermons were two hours long, and the pastor was considered a little lacking in finish if he didn’t tell us a lot about hellfire and brimstone?

Apr. 17, pg. 3

“With ideal weather attracting large attendances, Easter church services yesterday were beautiful and inspiring.  A profusion of flowers formed attractive settings for all services … .

“Filer City will retain its ‘hootch’ secrets a little while longer, at least as far as William Eden, Jr., is concerned.  He was released this morning from the county jail, his fine being paid out of a collection taken up yesterday afternoon at a ball game at Stronach, it was said.

“Young Eden, when arraigned Saturday in Justice Greve’s court on a drunk and disorderly charge stated that he would tell Sheriff Hallock where he obtained the booze which had put him into a fighting mood, unless the person who had sold it to him paid his fine and costs.  This person, however, did not come across, and Eden had to spend Sunday in jail.  The community came to his rescue.  Otherwise he would have had to spend 20 days in jail, and be subjected to quizzing.    

“If ever the weather man showed a charitable disposition, he did it yesterday.  Keeping the women folks — and fastidious men too, for that matter — in suspense over night, he permitted the sun to blaze forth in all its brilliancy and the good south wind to drive every sign of chill from the air; and thereby offered all an unrestricted opportunity to show off their fine feathers in fullest splendor. 

“New hats, coats and suits were really the order of the day, but because of a brisk wind through part of the afternoon, girls with foresight enough to pay more attention to the matter of smart ah — er — ah,  — footwear, realized tenfold on their investment.  Taking everything into consideration Easter Sunday was all that could be desired.

“The fashion parade was by far one of the most successful in recent years.  Everybody of course knows everybody else in Manistee, but it must be said that yesterday folks with disguises in the form of new raiment, were total strangers to each other until a close-up view re-established acquaintance. 

“In women’s wear the predominant note was capes, of Dolman cut.  Whatever the Paris leaning may be toward longer skirts, the style in Manistee is unchanged — still at the knee.  Hats are just as colorful as before. 

“Young men are effecting suits of tweeds and other mixtures, with pleated and belted backs, full caps of gray to match.  Brogues are popular footwear.  Little was shown in spring top-coats, the warmth of the day making such a protection unnecessary.

“Rain in the evening drove the River Street crowd home, but by that time the hopes of the day had been realized, and there were no complaints. 

“This is the time of year when onion sets gain in popularity. 

“As Noah Heap puts it:  Some people take a melancholy satisfaction in always being prepared for the worst. 

“One will not believe that spring has really arrived until some gay blade walks with unconcern down River Street wearing a new straw hat.  Bluebirds may come and coal piles may go, but the new straw hat, for which some duffer paid real money, is the convincing argument. 

“It’s compensation to a sinner to feel how those who condemn him envy him. 

“Where is the old-fashioned man who used to speak of a woman as ‘a petticoat.’

“‘The stork story is all off,’ said Henry Mertens today.  ‘The Easter rabbit brought us a big nine and a half pound baby girl yesterday.’  She has been named Louise Helen.  

“While Jack Dempsey is on his European tour he might take a jaunt through certain portions of northern France where he missed the chance of competing in what undoubtedly would have been the fight of his life. 

“(Info/Ad) PERE MARQUETTE.  Operating Costs Higher In North. 

“Three sleet storms in the Northern part of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan caused heavy damage to property and crippled Transportation.  The trouble was mostly north of a line running from Muskegon across the state to Saginaw.

“South of this line, we had an ‘open winter.’

“The losses in the north are sufficient to wipe out the earnings for the three months — leaving but nine months in the year to make up this deficit and to pay a reasonable interest on the investment. 

“Costs of operating railroads in the United States increase — as a general truth — according to the degree of latitude in which they operate.  

“PERE MARQUETTE RAILWAY.  Public Relations Department.   

Apr. 18, pg. 3

“Announcement was made this morning by Dahlquist & Co. that Harry J. Thompson, former local business man, has returned to the city and has become a member of the firm, taking over the management of the clothing department … 

“Before enlisting in the army in 1917, (Harry) conducted a successful business in the building now occupied by the Hub clothing store … 

“‘I have come to Manistee to settle down,’ said Harry this morning.  ‘No place like the ol’ burg to do that, you know.’ 

“His many friends will be pleased to know of his membership in this firm … .

“The ukulele fad died a natural death, but some time will be required for bobbed hair to grow again. 

“The meeting of the school board was postponed until Thursday night.  Two grade teachers and a number of high school teachers have not handed in their contracts which were to have been in by last night. 

“The garage mechanic has generous moments.  He never charges anything for the grease he puts on the upholstery.  

“Sportsmen fear a poor season for trout fishing, because of the high water in the creeks.  A freshet generally provides trout with plenty to eat, it is said, and consequently makes them pass up the sportsman’s ‘fly.’ 

“We just can’t get over the vagaries of the weather, and the more we think about it the more we are certain the weather man is somebody with a soul.  He was kind enough to give us a brand of weather Easter that was just about perfect, and then to show his power he turned around and ordered fall weather yesterday. 

Apr. 19, pg. 2

“The post-Lenten social season was given a favorable start Monday evening by the highly successful dancing party given in Ramsdell hall by the Knights of Columbus.  More than 100 couples attended … The musicians, attired in Tuxedo dress, were placed at the east end of the hall, in the cozy atmosphere of floor lamps and ferns. 

“Green and white streamers, suspended from the top of the ceiling to the walls gave the effect of a low roof.  At the top a single row of colored lights shed a warm glow over the scene.  The decorations came down in confusion when the small balloons, which were strung above, were released.  

“Dancing was enjoyed from 9 until 1 o’clock. 

Pg. 3

“The high school spring athletic activities will begin as soon as the weather permits the students to work outside … Baseball and track will be the two sports which will hold the attention of the students, although it is the hope of Prin. S. H. Lyttle that tennis can be added … .

“The last meeting of the old city commission last night was as uneventful as most of the others.  The only business of importance transacted was the adoption of an amendment to the milk ordinance.

“The ordinance provides for yearly inspection of cows … The dairyman must present to the city clerk a certificate from a registered (veterinarian) that the cows are free from tuberculosis or any other infectious disease … Failure to do so will mean the revoking of his license (to sell milk in Manistee).

“The report of Health Officer Homer Ramsdell showed 11 births and 10 deaths during the past month, none of the deaths being due to communicable diseases.

“During the month there were three cases of scarlet fever, one diphtheria, one tuberculosis, and 11 whooping cough, two of which have recovered … The diphtheria carrier was found in the 230 school children examined.  The total number of school children which have been examined is 1,635.  

“Lilac bushes, always among the first leafy heralds of spring, are budding preparatory to unfolding their foliage.  

“City Manager Shields asks that the practice of throwing broken bottles into the street be discontinued.  They have caused considerable trouble to automobilists.  

“As Noah Heap puts it:  Some people go to church more to save their faces than to save their souls. 

“A clergyman proposes to abolish his church choir and substitute a phonograph.  The cause of universal peace makes fresh strides daily. 

“New voices in the bird chorus are heard these mornings by those whose ears are attune with nature.  There is the blue jay with his warble, now a happy thrill, now raucous with boisterous bullying.   

“Rain turning into snow about noon today gave Manistee a mid-December aspect on this late day of spring and set old-timers cogitating as to how long since we have had as lingering a winter and reluctant a spring as we are now experiencing. 

“The heavy snowfall of the noon hour fortunately was not attended by a low temperature, so the snow dissolved on the ground almost as quickly as it fell.  But it smeared a coating of white over roofs and automobiles parked by the curbs, reminiscent of winter at its worst. 

“The best that can be said for it is that it was — and is — intensely disagreeable.  And we think we voice the sentiment of the entire community when we say we are about fed up on this winter-lingering-in-the-lap spring stuff and we are ready for spring to come a-running, or even for summer to hurdle right over the season and take early possession. 

Apr. 20, pg. 1

“Mystery shrouds the disappearance of Clarence Johnson, 23 years old, day watchman at the Sands upper mill. 

“Did he, while under the influence of hootch, stumble into the waters of Manistee lake, or has he just mysteriously vanished from sight?

“The sheriff’s force, together with officials of the Sands company and a brother of the missing man (John Johnson, of Muskegon), has been trying to find the answer since Saturday night, when Johnson was last seen sometime between 9:30 and 11 o’clock in an Oak Hill poolroom. 

“Johnson … has been traced to a hootch party in Oak Hill (in the early evening) … 

“Johnson … is said by Superintendent William Pehrson to have been a steady, dependable young man of good habits, who almost never absented himself from his work, which was seven 12-hour days a week … He was unmarried and lived with his mother … being her sole support … 

“Attention has been turned particularly to the shores of the lake, but no clue has been found there yet.  

“The search continued today, but without any further disclosures.  The particular definitely established is that hootch, secured at Oak Hill, is responsible for the disappearance. 

“(Article/Editorial) Mr. Weatherman, Letter For You. 

“Manistee, Michigan, April 20, ‘22

“To The Weather Man:

“What do you mean by such business at this season?

“If yesterday’s manifestation is your idea of a joke, we’ll tell you candidly it isn’t ours. 

“Haven’t we suffered enough at your hands this season without feeling called upon to inflict a blizzard like yesterday’s upon us?

“Or were you aiming to establish a new vile weather record for April?  If you were, you sure succeeded.  And now, having done so, won’t you please be good?

“A tempestuous night, in which buildings swayed from the force of a gale of near-hurricane proportions; heavy, adhesive snow slugged everyone who had the temerity to face it, and stuccoed the north exposures of everything within range, convinced and more than satisfied us of your ability to deliver the goods we don’t want any time you take a notion.  

“And a crackling, crusty sheet of scaly, sleety snow over everything on this 20th day of April is our idea of nothing to be enthusiastic about.  While we have received no report of serious damage as a result, we submit that the blizzard was in every particular unseasonable, unreasonable, undesirable and thoroughly disagreeable.

“People want to paint their houses and plant their gardens.  Some of us want to play ball or go questing for Mayflowers, and all of us want to quit stoking the furnaces. 

“Enough is enough, and too much is more than plenty.  Have a heart, please.  Switch the wind around to the south and turn on the warm weather tap. 

“We welcomed Spring and she has hidden out on us.  Kindly restore her to us in her most gracious mood and much will be forgiven.  


Pg. 2

“What’s Doing In Our Schools. 

“High school.  Two plays, one French and the other Spanish, were presented before an appreciative audience (of the Parent Teachers Association) at the high school Tuesday evening by students studying these respective languages … 

“Mrs. Scott, who instructs in these two branches, gave brief outlines of the dramatic action in each of the two comedies before they were presented.  The students … interpreted their roles so realistically that the audience had no difficulty in following the trend of the narrative … The performances were especially meritorious in view of the fact that those taking part were all first year students … Mrs. Scott is to be complimented upon the success of both performances, for it is no mean achievement to combine ease and fluency in a foreigh language with effective interpretation … 

“Lincoln School.  Both children and teachers were much refreshed by their annual spring vacation last week and started work again with renewed vigor … 

“Forest Protection Week and … Arbor Day will be observed tomorrow … Appropriate exercises are being arranged by the various grades …  

“Little Alice Rakosky, 1015 Vine St., one of our kindergartners, is ill with diphtheria … 

“Our library circulation is gradually decreasing as was expected with the approach of spring.  One hundred and twenty-four books were given out by Miss Froberg and her assistant … A total of 841 books were given out during the last month.  Even our little first graders are enthusiastic over their library books …  

“Grant School …  The observance of (Arbor Day) will be a topic for oral and written composition.  An interesting outline has been developed and pictures of native trees of Michigan obtained to aid in the composition work …   

“Garfield School … The two pupils from Denmark have made a very favorable report to the Immigration Officials, of their first three months’ progress in American schools …  

“This building has arranged suitable exercises, to take place Friday in observance of Arbor Day. 

“Fourteen bird houses have been made and put up in nearby gardens and shade trees, by the boys of the sixth grade. 

“James Coad, secretary manager of the Muskegon Chamber of Commerce, and Ed. R. Sweet, manager of the Occidental hotel there, were in the city today arranging with Sec. J. C. Beukema for a Manistee page in a new booklet to be issued for the purpose of reviving interest in the West Michigan Pike. 

“For the past few years, because of reconstruction work and detours, travel over the Pike has fallen off considerably, resulting in lessened revenue for business in this section.  With the work of rebuilding practically completed … efforts are now being made to recapture the tourist travel … 

“It was said by the men this morning that when interest in the Pike was at its height, newspapers all over the country gave many columns of space to it, and now that the Pike is in perfect condition again they hope to regain that popularity. 

“The uncertainty of the weather yesterday afternoon put Captain Julius Ziegenhagen and his staunch little craft, Harriett B. K., in a pretty ticklish situation. 

“No one, not even seasoned boatmen, had any idea that the bright sun and clear skies late in the afternoon were really a temptation to destruction.  Under these favorable conditions Capt. Ziegenhagen, with a small shipment of freight, put out for Ludington at 5 o’clock.

“No sooner was he out of the harbor than the storm came suddenly upon him.  It did not appear so serious then, and he kept on toward the south.  But the wind grew in force and the waves rolled higher and higher, and these together with the snow made navigation a perilous undertaking. 

“At last, about eight miles from Manistee, with the sea threatening to devour him at any moment, and the windows of his wheel-house covered with an inch of snow, Capt. Ziegenhagen turned back.  He and his small but dependable boat conquered the gale and re-entered port about 6:30.   

“Fishermen who suffer the fever every time the sun consents to shine for a few minutes now are gloomy over the muddy condition of streams hereabouts. 

“Farmers and others who receive their mail by rural carriers are urged by postal officials to place their names on the boxes.  ‘It will save much confusion.’ they say. 

“As Noah Heap puts it:  If it weren’t for the fun of anticipating the pleasures of travel and the fun of telling about your trip when you get back, nobody would ever go very far from home. 

“Canoeing is again beginning to take its toll of life.  Shall we vote the streams dry or prohibit canoes?

“An expert forester says the world is using wood four times as fast as it is being grown. What a comfort this must be to boys who still have to fill woodboxes. 

“The galvanized iron fence surrounding the Lloyd & Smith storage yard, Oak and Water streets, which has successfully withstood previous storms, cracked under the force of last night’s blizzard, and the section facing Water Street flattened out on the sidewalk like a punctured tire 40 miles from home. 

“Bird Houses.

“Said th’ sparrow to th’ robin, An’ his little head kep’ bobbin,’ ‘Whatever are those funny shops in vain I’ve guessed and guessed?’

“Says th’ robin to th’ sparrow, As he hopped upon a barrow, ‘They’re pauper homes for shiftless birds who cannot build a nest!’

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