10 weekend things to do around Colorado Springs and beyond: Ice Bumper Cars, Home & Landscape Expo, Haute Chocolate Hop, O’Meallie retrospective, fly fishing films, snow goose festival, ballet | Arts & Entertainment



It has been a busy ice skating season in Acacia Park and now… there’s Ice Bumper Cars. Round and round, backward, forward, it’s the first weekend. For the fun bumper car action, groups of 10-20 riders can reserve half-hour sessions, 3:30-4 p.m., before regular bumping begins. $10 for a 12-minute ride, a minimum of 42 inches tall and 5 years old to drive a bumper car. Check the calendar for times for skating, bumper cars or pond hockey. downtowncs.com/event/skate


Road trip: a charming, joyful childlike delight honoring a creative life, artist/sculptor Sean O’Meallie’s: Head Cheese: A 25 Year Retrospective. Through March 13 at Museum of Art Fort Collins, 201 S. College Ave. The toy inventor from Colorado Springs loves bright colors and happy objects. As he says: “I make objects. They disappear. I make more objects.” Admission: $5, $4 students and seniors, $1 ages 7-17, free 6 and younger. Closing reception info to come. moafc.org 


That beautiful white snow covering the prairie near Lamar is actually thousands and thousands of migrating Arctic geese. They’re the reason for a fascinating birding event, the High Plains Snow Goose Festival, drawing droves of bird watchers to Prowers County. Field trips to reservoirs and the canyons, seminars, photo experiences. Activities from $15 to $40, highplainssnowgoose.com 


Plan for what’s coming at the Colorado Springs Home & Landscape Expo all weekend at Norris-Penrose  Event Center. Remodeling advice and greenery ideas. $3, coupons in The Gazette and online. coloradospringshlexpo.com


Bring on the chocolate at the progressive dessert Haute Chocolate Hop through downtown. One of the most popular First Friday annual events with a dozen places to stop. Use passports for treats and art experiences. 5-8 p.m. Proceeds benefit Art on the Streets and other Downtown Ventures programs. $10. downtowncs.com/event/chocolate/


Survey the beauties of the night dark skies at Florissant Fossil Beds with park staff and the Colorado Springs Astronomical Society, 7 p.m. Meet on the Visitor Center patio. Park entrance fee of $10 per adult is good for seven days and there are 15 miles of trails to hike as well. nps.gov/flfo and on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @FlorissantNPS. 


Kreuser Gallery features 100 local and regional artists during its 4th annual Gratitude Exhibit starting with a First Friday reception 5-9 p.m. and running through the month. 125 E. Boulder St. kreusergallery.com 


The tragic love story of “Romeo and Juliet” comes to the Colorado Ballet stage for two weekends, with principal dancer Dana Benton celebrating her 20th season with the company. She has been the Sugar Plum Fairy, Odette/Odile in “Swan Lake” and Princess Aurora in “The Sleeping Beauty” but this is her first Juliet. Performances at Ellie Caulkins Opera House on Fridays through Sundays. Tickets $40-160, coloradoballet.org or 303-837-8888, extension 2. 


Dreams of fly fishing to come. The 2022 Fly Fishing Film Festival travels to waters including Costa Rica, Hawaii, Maryland, Belize, Louisiana, Alabama, Australia, Colombia. Presented by Angler’s Covey to benefit Project Healing Waters for rehabilitation of injured active-duty military and veterans. Time for vendors and nonprofits. Doors open at 5 p.m., films at 6:30 p.m. $22.  stargazerstheatre.com


A red, white and blue day for Colorado Springs’ Olympic City USA’s Beijing Winter Fest Celebration at the Olympic & Paralympic Museum. Athletes, street curling, music, tours and demonstrations in the museum’s plaza, 11 a.m.-5 p.m., museum open at 9 a.m.  Skating legend Peggy Fleming, track and field Paralympian John Register, bobsled Olympian Vonetta Flowers. An Olympic Torch Relay, tai chi sword demonstrations, music by Soul School, Learn to Skate and the Olympics from Beijing on the Jumbotron. Special Olympic activities and TV watching continue at the museum through March 13. usopm.org/winterfest, coloradospringssports.org/downtownwinterfest-org Covid safety protocols inside the museum.

NOTE: Check websites for last-minute changes and COVID-19 protocols.

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